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The Business Case for Sustainability

Essay by   •  April 9, 2018  •  Coursework  •  1,527 Words (7 Pages)  •  837 Views

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1/ Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change: (I will send you the file once is available from professor)

Read this topic then answers the questions on assignments file. (3 to 5 questions)

2/ How Managers Drive Results and Employee Engagement at the Same Time: (I will send you the file once is available from professor)

Read this topic then answers the questions on assignments file. (3 to 5 questions)

3/ Bonus Paper:

Sustainability and Business

Integrating Business and Sustainability

The purpose of this writing assignment is to have you integrate and express what you have learned in this course about sustainability and business. Optionally, you can choose a topic that was not described in the book, and use this opportunity to explore it (e.g., cradle to cradle design, sustainability agriculture/food, eco-fashions). These requirements are the same, whether you are completing this instead of doing the final, or are submitting a bonus paper, or both. If doing both, of course, the two papers must differ in content.

Paper Requirements

A. Length: 3-5 pages total, double spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point font.

B. Writing style: write it in memo style, appropriate spelling and grammar are essential; citations are needed.

C. Select one of the topics below to write about:

Paper Content

1. The term “Sustainable Development” is of significant importance, both for business and for developing nations such as India. Based on Porter & Kramer’s article on Shared Value, pick a specific organization and describe how it is making use of shared value opportunities. Describe in what ways they are using one of the sustainable value strategies that Porter & Kramer proposed (i.e., reconceiving products and markets, redefining productivity in the value chain, or building supportive industry clusters at the company’s locations). Using the matrix by Laszlo & Zhexembayeva on sustainable value presented in class (see Blackboard Week 2 for the presentation, Business Case for Sustainability), describe whether the sustainability practices of the organization are “bolt-on” or embedded and why you believe so.

2. Briefly describe 1 ‘base of the pyramid’ business opportunity. Draw upon class (notes, Green in the News presentations, readings), to describe what it is, why it will succeed and what impact it will have on the lives of the poor in a country of your choosing.

3. Assume you are a department manager in a business (pick a business you’re interested in). Write a memo to the executive team describing your sustainability plan for the next year for that department (accounting, marketing, HR, finance, sales, operations, facilities – pick just one). Describe your vision / goal(s) for the department, what you plan to do, and how you will get your team on board. Briefly describe the business case for implementing your plan. Use the textbook, class notes, Green in the News, etc. to help inform your case.

4. Assume you will soon be searching for a job. Describe how you will use your knowledge of sustainability to help you locate a company, career, and job that you will enjoy. What company sustainability information will help you prioritize which companies you might be interested in, and where will you search for that information? Pick one company as an example to describe your approach. What about the company indicates they share your values, will likely provide you with meaningful work, and will help you develop your skills and career? How does this company fit with your values, interests, and personality as you discovered from Jobzology? How will you use your sustainability expertise to help you land the job? How do you anticipate using your sustainability expertise once you’re on the job?

5. Pick a sustainability topic that you would like to explore in more depth. This could be something like biomimicry, cradle to cradle design, solar energy, electric cars, organic food, sustainable branding, etc. Read at least 3 sources, then summarize what you have learned. Here are two possible organizing strategies to help you write a good story. Use and adapt either, or another one if it better fits telling a good story about what you’ve learned.

Structure A Structure B

Where are we now? Who

Where are we going? What

How are we going to get there? Why

Why are we going there? How



4/ Final Paper:

Personal Sustainability Plan

Final Project

Sustainability and Business

The purpose of this assignment is to have you develop and write about your personal sustainability plan, both as it applies to your personal life and to your planned career -- at home, at work, and with other organizations in which you participate. It is not a research paper; rather it is a reflection and planning piece. It should be enjoyable, even fun to write.

Paper Requirements

A. Length: 3-5 pages, double spaced, 1 inch margins, 12-point font

B. Structure: Use the sub-headings for the parts and numbered components

C. Writing Style: Appropriate spelling and grammar are essential; no citations are needed.

Grading Criteria

The paper will be graded based on the following criteria:

1. Clarity of your goals, reasoning, and writing;

2. Impact of your plans on your environment and community;

3. Fit of your goals and vision to your life and style;

4. Practicality, including benchmarks, milestones, and measurements to assess your progress along the way

5. Authenticity and sincerity of your plan.

The quantity and ambition of your goals is not as important as the practicality and authenticity



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