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The Chemical Constituents of Calabash

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The chemical constituents of calabash (Crescentia cujete)


Ejelonu BC1*, Lasisi AA2,Olaremu AG1 and Ejelonu OC3


1Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria. 2Department of Chemistry, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. 3Department of Biochemistry, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria.


Accepted 14 November, 2011


Virtually, all parts of the calabash (Crescentia cujete) tree have been found to be useful; the wood for tool handles, ribs in boat building, cattle yokes, and the gourd is used for cups, containers and musical instruments. The calabash (C. cujete) fruit was studied for its chemical constituents- proximate and mineral composition as well as phytochemical properties. The sugar content, energy content, electrical conductivity and pH of the fruit were also determined. The value of the fat, protein, nitrogen, crude fibre, moisture content, sucrose, fructose, galactose and energy content are quite high viz; 1.13, 8.35, 1.34, 4.28, 84.92, 59.86, 25.09, 18.24 and 88.69%, respectively. The pH of the fruit falls within the acidic range (4.80) and the mean value recorded for the electrical conductivity was 163.24 µ µµ µS/cm. The results obtained for the mineral elements show that sodium and phosphorus have high mean concentrations, while low mean concentrations were recorded for others. Also, the results show relatively low mean concentrations for the heavy metals; but high mean concentrations for manganese, iron, zinc and copper. The presence of phytochemicals like saponins, flavonoid, cardenolides, tannins and phenol as well as the presence of hydrogen cyanide were observed in the fruit sample. The findings on the phytochemical constituents, mineral composition and proximate composition of the C. cujete suggest that the fruit can make useful contribution to both human and animal nutrition and possesses medicinal values.



Calabash tree or Crescentia cujete tree belongs to the family of Binoniacea. It is also known as the gourd tree. The calabash tree is 6 to 10 m tall with a wide crown and long branches covered with clusters of tripinnate leaves and gourd-like fruit. The branches have simple elliptical leaves clustered at the anode. The greenish flowers arise from the main trunk and blooms at night (Gilman, 1993). It is propagated either by seed or stem cuttings. Calabash fruit is a seasonal fruit that develops after pollination by bats. It appears at the end of dry season, and the fruit is up to 12 to 14 cm in diameter. It is globular with smooth hard green woody shell. It takes about six to seven months to ripen and eventually falls to the ground (Gilman, 1993).  Small  flat  seeds  are  embedded  in the  



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