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The Cold War

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5.1.3 Journal: Write Your Own Big-Picture Narrative


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World History Sem 2 (S3380919)

Mohamed Mohammed Mahir

Points possible: 10

Date: ____________

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In this journal activity, you will write your own version of history from 1945 to the present by answering the questions below. Use your own words and be as clear as possible. You will be graded primarily on the completeness and clarity of your writing. Also, make sure to use the terms listed below in your journal entry.


  • Cold War
  • globalization


  1. Think of a creative or descriptive name for this time period. For example, you might name the time period before the development of agriculture "Life Before Farming" or "Hunting to Survive." Make this name the title of your journal entry.
  2. Write a journal entry that is at least three paragraphs long. Each paragraph should include at least three sentences. Make sure to also use the terms listed above at least once in your writing. Your journal entry should address each of the following:
  • Summarize the major turning points or "game changers" of this period. What were the biggest changes in how people lived, what people were able to do, or what people valued and believed?
  • Identify the major regions of the world in which these changes occurred.
  • Predict the major impacts of these changes on human history. What impacts might we see in the eras that follow this time period? What impacts can we still see or feel today?

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Points Possible

Points Awarded

Clearly and completely address each of the three topics listed above in your journal entry.



Use these social studies terms correctly:

  • Cold War
  • globalization



Write a minimum of three paragraphs and include a title for your journal entry. (You can type your answer or write it by hand.)







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                                                                     Cold War

The Cold War was a challenge between the USA and the Soviet Union. It prompted the presence of a large number of atomic weapons, two general philosophies in strife, and two diverse mental self views, the United States championing a world made safe for popular government. Its adversary, the Soviet Union pushed world Communism.

The United States prides itself on its legacy of opportunity, a shelter for aggrieved religious gatherings, a place where there is freedom that effectively defied the magnificent force of Britain in 1776. Its directing standards were the assurance of the individual's life, freedom and quest for bliss and the foundation of a constitution that typified the best political thought of current times, an arrangement of balanced governance so that the president, Congress or parliament and legal or Supreme Court shared force, checking each other's work to make preparations for fascism.



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