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The Death Penalty

Essay by   •  November 13, 2010  •  1,581 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,146 Views

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When you first think of the words 'death penalty', you can't help but associate that with the words 'capitol punishment'. However, is the death penalty really the ultimate, and therefore capital punishment. I believe that capitol punishment is the right punishment for those who commit heinous crimes like pre-meditated murder or rape. However, the death penalty would not satisfy me as a family member of the victim. What would satisfy me is to know that the murderer or rapist is suffering in prison until he dies and receives their true punishment in eternal life. I believe that life in prison, in solitary confinement, and without the possibility of parole, is the most fit punishment and the punishment that will put the person in the most pain and suffering until they die. But how did I come up with this belief and argument against the death penalty as a capital punishment? How and based on what did I come up with these beliefs.

First of all, I am a very religious person who follows the church in just about everything it does. If you are a religious person as well, you would know that on the subject of the death penalty for crimes, the bible seems to have a clear points of view about it in the old testament. In one part, the bible asks for "an eye for an eyeÐ'...and a life for a life". This is clearly stated in the old testament in exodus 21:22-25. However, if you look closely, the bible asks for the death penalty for several different crimes that by today's standards would not even be crimes at all. In the article "Executions Are Too Costly---Morally" by Helen Prejean, published in the book "Contemporary and Classic Arguments: A portable Anthology", the areas where the bible asks for the death penalty are clearly outlined. Prejean outlines theses areas in a list like this

"Contempt of parents (Exodus 21:15, 17; Leviticus 24:17);

Trespass upon sacred ground (Exodus 19:12-13; Numbers 1:51; 18:7);

Sorcery (Exodus 22:18; Leviticus 20:207);

Bestiality (Exodus 22:19; Leviticus 20:15-16);

Sacrifice to foreign gods (Exodus 22:20; Deuteronomy 13:1-9);

Profaning the Sabbath (Exodus 31:14)

Adultery (Leviticus 20:10; Deuteronomy 22:22-24);

Incest (Leviticus 20:11-13);

Homosexuality (Leviticus 20:13);

And prostitution (Leviticus 21:19; Deuteronomy 22:13-21)."

I believe in the bible whole heartedly. However, when it comes to the death penalty you have to look at other sources. Those who keep on using the bible as a reference to keep the death penalty because of the verse "eye for an eyeÐ'..." have to remember what John Weis said in his article "Just Punishment?" Published on the Wilson Web database; he said "Would he advocate that we put do death categorically all fornicators as the Mosaic law prescribed? What about politicians who make sacrilegious communions? Such a position would be consistent with his use of Scripture." Therefore, I say, you can not solely rely on the scriptures when it comes to this manner. The Mosaic Laws are simply not ones that will work in today's society. So, if it is not going to be the bible, than what else.

Apart from the bible as a book, my faith itself plays a big role in my life and in my decision about the death penalty. My faith tells me that ultimately, the final judgment is when it all comes together and adds up. What I mean by that is, if we kill those who kill than we are playing God. The final judgment on the last day is when the Lord will punish deservingly those who commit the crimes that they did in their life time. This is a small point because I understand that you may not have the same faith as I do; for me, that part of my faith really plays a big part on my beliefs in the death penalty. Another point I would like to make is regarding how much someone really suffers when they are put to death?

When someone is put to death, especially by the lethal injection, it seems as if they die instantaneously and with out pain. To find out for sure how the lethal injection works, I did some research and found out exactly how it works. On a website called "How Stuff Works" at, I found the step by step process of the execution, from preparation to the final breath and even their burial. Did you know that someone who is executed by lethal injection first gets put into a deep sleep so that no pain what so ever can be felt?! In the step that describes the drugs administered during execution on, it lists "Anesthetic - Sodium thiopental, which has the trademark name Pentothal, puts the inmate into a deep sleep. This drug is a barbiturate that induces general anesthesia when administered intravenously."( It then lists Pavulon, which is a muscle relaxant that will ultimately assist in stopping the heart beat completely. Of course, all this heart stopping is done at absolutely no pain to the criminal. The final, and optional step depending on the state, is to inject Potassium Chloride, which is what actually stops the heart from beating and the lungs from breathing; all this, again, with no pain being felt by the criminal. After the process is done, the criminals



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