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The Effect of Halal Logo on Consumer Product Toward Decision to Buy

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The Effect of Halal Logo on Consumer Product toward Decision to Buy

Nurmila, Hedi, Showfil, Rosalia, Dimas


Chapter I


I.I Background

Halal Conceptual

In Islamic law regarding to the words of Halal it’s more likely about permissible which refers to the products and food that consumed by Muslim peoples (Ambali & Bakar , 2012). Halal could be indicate as slaughtered things which are very crucial in Hukum Syari’ah of Islam, besides the words of “halal” has determined that actually the foods does not contain raw materials in ways to create the foods or products, the processing nor the storage of the food also the way of preparing which could be impure accordance to the lawful of Islam itself (Ambali & Bakar , 2012). There are several things that might not consume by Muslim’s people that usually they called as Haram food. Haram means that the food are not fulfilling the lawful of Islam like something which contain of pork/swine, animals which dead before being slaughtering, animals killed by the name of ALLAH and any beverage which contain of alcohol and intoxicants are also including on the things that might not be consume by Muslim peoples.

Halal Certification

Each countries has their own legal entity like what happen in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and many others countries who are trying to develop their company into another country which contain of Muslim citizens. Malaysia is the only country which have a fully support by the government in order to promoting of the Halal certification (Halal Industry Development Corporation, 2008). For Muslim peoples, this certification of Halal is really important because it used to fulfilling the Syari’ah Law of Islam. Then, Halal certificate is also issued after the product is stated as HALAL in the MUI, signed by Chairman of MUI, and this validation is only for two years only. Besides, in order to get this logo there are several things that should be done by the company since it is really important to be sign that will be legalize by Majlis Ulama Indonesia (MUI).

There are several criteria that we need to fulfill while taking this legalized sign by the MUI itself, including; It Covers about the materials, process of the facilities of the products; Halal means that including the law or something which are being allowed by the Islamic law; Haram means that it’s about the unlawful or something which become forbidden to be consume by the Muslim peoples according to the Islamic law in Indonesia and being legalized by MUI; Fatwa that actually about the Islamic legal opinion and; last is about the Najis which actually impure, dirty and not clean food that cannot be consume by Muslim peoples also (Majelis Ulama Indonesia, 2017).

When we got Halal certifications already, means that we might be able to use the Halal Logo already which being legalized by the government itself.  However, this certification of Halal Logo will only valid in two years only and MUI is the Organization that will arrange about the certification but for the body that regulates food assessment and the medication is called as LPPOM MUI. LPPOM MUI is an institution which formed by the MUI for running out the function of the MUI in halal certification in conducting the food assessment, cosmetics and also drugs (Majelis Ulama Indonesia, 2017).

Decision to Consume Halal Food

According to the science direct journal that halal food is the most important thing in the global marketing since its rising high demand of the products (Ismoyowati, 2015). There are 34% of the global chain’s product becoming very important to be considered by the respondent since at that moment they were consuming the local products since they providing a halal certification of products that will be used as consideration mode by Muslim’s people. In addition, in Indonesia the majority of the citizens are Muslim’s religion with high regulation of Islamic law inside.



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