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The Effect of Training on Employee Performance

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The Effect of Training on Employee Performance

(A Case Study on Amhara Credit and saving Institution West Gojam Zone)

BY: Melese Angaw

A Thesis Submitted to Department of management College of Business and Economics Bahir Dar University in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Masters in Business Administration (MBA)

Advisor: TechanTefera.

Department of Management

College of Business and Economics

Bahir Dar University

January, 2017

Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Bahir Dar University

College of Business and Economics

Department of Management

The Effect of Training on Employee Performance

A Case Study on Amhara Credit and Saving Institution in West Gojam Zone.

By: Melese Angaw

______________ _______________ _______________

Advisor Signature Date

______________ _______________ _______________

Internal Examiner Signature Date

______________ _______________ _______________

External Examiner Signature Date


I, the undersigned, declare that this study entitled “the effect of training on employee performance of the case study ACSI West Gojam zone “is my own work. I have carried out the research work independently with the assist and support by research adviser. This study has not been submitted for any degree or diploma program in this or any other institution and that all sources and materials used for the thesis have been properly acknowledged.

Name: ______________________________

Signature: ___________________________

Date: _______________________________

Place: Bahir Dar University


The study focuses on the effect of training on employee performance at ACSI West Gojam zone narrowing down to attitude, Service delivery and job satisfaction. The Specific objective were to investigate whether attitude, service delivery and job satisfaction affects the performance of employees. Questionnaires and secondary data were used by the researchers in data collection. The quantitative research approach used through primary data collected from 261 respondents. The study made use of descriptive statistics to analyze the data. The research has confirmed that training has a big influence on employee performance.


The Effect of Training on Employee Performance i

Declaration ii


List of table vi

List of figures vii

List of Appendix vii

Acknowledgements viii


1. Background of the Study 1

1.2. Statement of the Problem 4

1.3 Objective of the Study 5

1.3.1 Specific Objectives 5

1.4. Research Hypothesis 5

1.5 Delimitation of the study 5

1.6 Significance of the study 5

1.7 Definition of Important Terms 6

1.8 Structure of the study 6


2.1 Definitions of Training 7

2.2 The Concept of Training: 8

2.3 Methods of Training 10

2.3.1 On-The-Job Training 11

2.3.2 Off-The-Job Training 11

2.4 Importance of Training 11

2.5 Attitude and performance 12

2.6 Job Satisfaction 12

2.7 Service Delivery 13

2.8 Employee Performance 13

2.9 Effect of training on performance 15

2.10 Conceptual Framework 17


3.1. Introduction 18

3.2. Procedures and Activities 18

3.2.1. Research Design 18

3.2.2. Instruments for Data Collection 18

3.2.3. Data Collection 19

3.2.4. Sample Size and Sampling Procedures 19

3.2.5. Data Analysis and Interpretation 20

CHAPTER -FIVE: Data Analysis and Interpretation 21

4.1 Questionnaire Response Rate 21

4.2 Demographic Characteristics of Subjects 21

4.3 Reliability of data 23

4.4 Training 24

4.5 Attitude 26

4.6 Job Satisfaction 29

4.7 Service delivery 32




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