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The Influence of the Learning Environment on Students

Essay by   •  December 4, 2017  •  Research Paper  •  1,768 Words (8 Pages)  •  2,037 Views

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Aurora Senior High School


The Effect of School Environment in Grade 11 Students Performances


*Llyod Alejandro

Aaron Castillo

Jamaica Acoba

Maria Jamaica Agonoy

Leanne Agpaoa

Glydel Balila

Reshly Benitez

Bea Dagdag

Kimberly Castaños

Geyrilyn Delos Santos


Mrs. Ludylyn N. Corpuz

  1. Introduction

Intelligence is not the only determinant of academic achievement of a student. According to Bosque and Dore (1998), teaching and learning environment ought to implement six (6) functions: inform, communicate, collaborate, produce, scaffold and manage. They further added that “conceptually speaking, the learning environment refers to the whole range of components and activities within which learning happens”. Hence, learning environment takes into account several variables that have direct and indirect effect on students.

A large amount of a child’s time is spent sitting in a school classroom. This place is where they will learn the various skills deemed necessary and proper for them to achieve success in the global society. The classroom is where they will gain an understanding of their place in the world and the gifts that they have to offer it. It is where the student develops what they want their future to look like, as well as knowledge of the skills needed to reach that goal. With the classroom being such an important place in the growth of a child it is important to understand the ways in which to affect this environment in order to receive maximum effectiveness in instruction. If schools really do play a large role in teaching the next generation how to be successful members of society then every precaution should be taken to make sure that the environment is one that helps students thrive.

 If not approached correctly, a classroom can be set up in a way that stifles creativity or does not promote a positive learning environment. There are many things that can affect this environment. There are physical elements such as wall art, arrangement of desks, or resources. Also, there are intangible elements such as the energy of the classroom, the rules, or the sounds within the room. Each of these can impact a student’s focus and achievement in the class. They can also affect a teacher’s attitude in the class. Included in each of these elements of the classroom is the emotional environment. The way in which a teacher organizes their class, or how they control it, will yield positive or negative consequences for their students. If a teacher is unmotivated or negative there will be a direct impact on the students within the classroom. Similarly, if a teacher is motivated and positive they will likely have a beneficial impact on their students as well. It is important for a teacher to understand this cause and effect in order to understand how to organize their classroom to create a better learning environment. In this paper, I will investigate several classroom adaptations and argue that their strengths outweigh their weaknesses.

It us a fact that is surrounding environment of students influences, their performance for example, the quality of the school building has the direct impact on students’ performance, students perform better in better academently in better building researchers have found it that students in old buildings scored 5-7 percentage point lower than students in now building it study on how various school environment can affect the academic performances of student in school.

It makes sense the students would do better when they learn in positive environments after all, most people would agree that some environments are more conducive to learning and academic performance. A student taking a test in a quiet, peaceful room will be almost certainly do better than a student taking the same test in a loud, chaotic room.

Just because something makes sense, however, doesn’t mean that educators and policymakers have the information they need to make better decisions that will help students reach their goals. Now that will help students has revealed how certain factors affect students, educators, can begin making changes that will improve learning environments.

The study also knows how much influence environments have on student’s success. Its findings show that students who learn in positive environments effectively receive a month and half more math instruction than those in poor learning environments.

The same research paper shows that positive learning environments can lower teacher turn over by 25 percent. This is significant because teacher turover has been linked to increase costs and poor student achievement. Schools that provide better environment potentially reach higher levels of success which spending less money.

  1. Statement of the Problem

This study entitled “The effect of School Environment in Grade 11 Students Performances”. This study aims to answer the question:

  1. In the random sample of 120 students drawn from the population of 597 students is the average of the students affected in their studies because of family problem are greater than 5 in terms of:
  1. Ventilation
  2. Cleanliness of Room
  3. Teachers Attitude
  4. School Facilities


  1. Ho: µ=5, Ha: µ>5

  1.  Methodology

        This chapter deals mainly with the methodology or strategies in which the researchers used in collecting valid and reliable information and data for the study which includes:

  1. Research design
  2. Population and sample
  3. Research instrument
  4. Procedure for data collected
  5. Method of data analysis

  1. Research Design

The research is a survey design on the effect of school environment in the performance of the students in Aurora Senior High School.

Survey research is a type of descriptive research in which respondents for testing hypothesis concerning the school environment on the performance of the students. It involves large number of persons and described population characterized by the randomly and unbiased selected students.

It also involves using questionnaire and sometimes interview test and generalizing the survey to the population from which is drawn.  



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