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The Lagacy Of The Metro Sexual

Essay by   •  November 7, 2010  •  748 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,001 Views

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The Legacy of the Metro Ð'- Sexual

A new type of man has emerged into society. A man who is straight, yet, portrays himself as gay through his self image and pride. A man who is unafraid to self tan and wax his eyebrows. A man who is identified as a metro Ð'- sexual. These brave men catch heat from society pertaining to their sexual preference. Apparently, straight men are not supposed to care about their outward appearance or about the brand of clothes they wear. For this reason, metro Ð'- sexuals are confused or accused of being a homosexual on an everyday basis. What is true, however, is that people are judged everyday on their looks, speech, and mannerisms; especially in materialistic America. Metro Ð'- sexuals are automatically stereotyped as gay because their actions do not coincide with the American male attitude. As author of "The Community of Men", Robert Bly states, "By the time a man is thirty five he knows that the images of the right man, tough man, and true man which he received in high school . . .", explains that society teaches young boys and men how a real man should portray himself (355). The stereotypical gay is held in society's eye and standardizes the criteria of which a homosexual should dress and act. Sometimes society regretfully misinterprets the actions of metro Ð'- sexuals and homosexuals because their interests exceed ESPN and beer. Society lacks the understanding that there are reasons for both women and men to want to make themselves as beautiful outside as they are in.

When people; gay, straight, man, or woman feel good about themselves, it is evident through the way they present themselves. Some metro Ð'- sexuals are confident on themselves and their looks, therefore, it is only natural to want to look as good as they feel. It is a perfectly healthy way of life and does not imply a certain sexual swagger. Metro Ð'- sexuals are well groomed, clean, and dressed to the best of their ability always feeling one hundred percent about their appearance. Having a self esteem and feeling good about oneself is not only healthy but ideal.

Among everything else that is ideal in America, a healthy self image is one of them. In America it is extremely difficult to feel comfortable in one's own skin. These feelings are brought on partially because the society holds a picture of what perfection should be above our heads. It is not uncommon for all types of people to want to create the illusion of what a perfect



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