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The Longer You WaitÐ'...The Better It Gets

Essay by   •  March 17, 2011  •  1,443 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,975 Views

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The Longer You WaitÐ'...The Better It Gets

In today's media advertisement has become a necessary part of the business. Not only are advertisements on TV, radio and the internet, but ads are filling the pages of newspapers, magazines, and even comic books. They can even be seen on billboards by the roadside. It is nearly impossible to escape them. Advertisements allow media to be sold at a cheaper price, and sometimes even free, to the consumer. Advertisers pay media companies to place their ads into the media. Therefore, the media companies make their money off of ads, and the consumer can view this material for a significantly less price than the material would be without the ads. Advertisers' main purpose is to influence the consumer to purchase their product. At the heart of any one company's advertising campaign is the consumer. The consumer has complete control of their own money and can choose to buy any product or service they desire. Advertising does not control the consumers on what they buy. It only informs them on what they can buy. For me to analyze this advertisement it would be very simple because of the straightforward sex language it uses both verbally and visually to persuade its target audience.

We are constantly being influenced and affected by advertisements all the time. Advertisements have a great effect on us and how we operate. Advertisements attempt to control what we should wear, how we should look, what we should eat, what we should drink, what we should smoke, what we should do, how we should think, and how we should smell. This is a multi billion dollar industry and the advertiser's study all the ways that they can to attract people's attention. One way that is used the most and is in some ways very controversial is the use of sex to sell products.

To sell the product, the ad must be also be compelling to its target audience and the majority of magazine advertisements have a target audience who the advertiser has specifically designed the ad for. The target audience in this ad is both males and females in their late teens to mid twenties. This company gets the male side of the equation by getting their attention and interest drawn to the attractive woman on the right with bright colors drawing your attention there along with the bottle of whiskey which is right in the middle of the page. On the left side of the ad, it shows a "before" image of the beautiful woman. To draw in the females to look at the advertisement and read it, they show her as a very plain and simple girl posing in front of a very dull and neutral background. I think this attracts females because she portraits a very typical image of girls during their younger years. Besides that, they show the same girl who now has become a women who is very attractive and she just seems so much more powerful and confident. And of course the bottle of whisky is placed in between each of the images, illustrating that the first step to achieving beauty is by drinking Evan Williams Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey.

The writer's whole purpose of this advertisement is to try and sell Evan Williams Kentucky Whiskey. However, I believe it is deliberately aimed to get young adults even ones that are under the drinking legal age to drink their whiskey. The reason that I think that it advertises to people that are under age because the girl that is on the left in my opinion seems to be under age.

The author of this advertisement is all about sexual stereotypes such as blonde hair blue eyes and a very large breast size. All this leads to the notion that sex sells. I do not see this author as trustworthy. It seems as if they have a snobbish attitude demonstrating that the only way that people will care about you is if you are good looking, while less attractive people aren't equals. You won't be able to get the same kind of opportunities as the one on the right who is so much more sexually enticing to her audience.

I feel that this advertisement is not very ethical at all. They send the message that if you do not wear sexy clothes and try and act sexy then you are no good. Plus they are advertising alcohol to very young girls. It just doesn't seem right because the girl who is all dressed up is looking as if she is not much older than 22 years old. One piece of specific information that is sent across to you is that the whiskey is aged for seven years before it is sold. Which I guess is nothing wrong with that except that the picture on the right is supposed to be her 7 years later than on the left where it says "Mar 22, 97". If we assume that she is 24 years old (give or take) on the right the picture on the left would still make her only 17 years of



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