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The Oblivious Graves In Our Open Blue

Essay by   •  November 29, 2010  •  609 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,190 Views

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The oblivious graves in our open blue

U.F.O's are what you could say indescribable and indefinable. Some believe in U.F.O's and some people say theirs no such thing. U.F.O's have been around for millions of years. We try to understand the mysteries of U.F.O's but would take amounts of time. In some cases the witnesses observe the aliens. In other cases, reports say they have had interacted with the fourth kind, such as seeing U.F.O's.

U.F.O sightings on earth are rare. In fact in 1996 over seventeen thousand U.F.O reports were never explained (Netzley 9). That's a lot of sightings for just one year. Also in 1996 despite increasing claims that the aliens are all small grey creatures with large heads, huge eyes, and no reproductive organs, (the grays), their were reports from Varginha, Minas Gerais, Brazil, that spoke of a creature that looks like a man but is not (Devereux, Brookesmith 76). Alien creatures are also known to be green. Half of the incidents happened in the American West. In approximately twenty percent of the U.F.O reports the object did appear to leave physical traces (Netzely 10). Some of the evidence was on corn crops.

Some think radiation damage is from U.F.O's. Cash and Landrem blame the U.S Military for their injuries because of the helicopters they have seen ( Netzely 15). It's pretty hard to get radiation damage from looking at a helicopter. When they try to sue the government for twenty million dollars the judge dismissed the case in 1986 (Netzely 15). Twenty million dollars was a lot back in 1986. The judge pointed out that the women's description of the helicopters did not match any known military aircraft( Netzely 15). Two million dollars was way to much anyways.

Some of the U.F.O sightings and evidence were excused as a hoax. Ph. D., former employee of lost Alamos National laboratories, Dr. Eltjo, H. Haselhoff says that crop circle is not a hoax played by any pranksters. Obviously there are people trying to imitate the real thing but the suggestion that all of these crop formation are made by humans with simple flattening tools is by far insufficient to explain the well dashed documented observations like unambiguous and consistent biophysical anomalies in the flat ended plants (Haselhoff). About ten thousand crop formations have been reported world



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