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The Pact - George

Essay by   •  October 17, 2016  •  Essay  •  637 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,286 Views

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The four factors that helped George succeed are mother figure, father figures, friends and teachers. George is a smart kid who got his motivation from a strong mother who is willing to give him anything. George writes, "She gave me a dream and there was no greater gift for a smart kid growing up in a place, where dreams were snatched away all the time." (pg. 6) This quote portrays how George's mother gave him hope on a place where there wasn't any. She helped him get through a lot of things and gave him a dream. He was a smart kid, but needed motivation,and that's what his mother gave him. He states, "She developed a toughness that at times made her seem emotionless, but her determination and consistency stabilized our lives." (pg. 7) George's mother was harsh at times, but it was what kept him moving. His mother seemed like she would do anything for George as long as he did well.

George's mother was not the only person who has helped him through hard times. Mr. Jackson has helped George a lot. George asserts, "He treated me like one of his sons." (pg. 9) George's father gave him hope, he helped him in many ways that many won't. Jackson gave George the feeling of having a father who supports him. George explains that, "Mr. Jackson always let me know he believe in me." (pg. 9) Having Mr. Jackson's belief in him, George felt he had the power to do anything. He was given a dream anyone could have hoped for. George was given the upper hand, an opportunity to give it his all in his studies.

George has some friends that knows how to find good friends and how to stay far away from the bad ones. They knew what they were dealing with and they understood what the harm could be if they continued to hang with the bad friends. He explains that, “Even though Rameck and Sam would eventually follow neighborhood friends into trouble, I admire them for also having the good sense to recognize that those friends were no good for them, and for having the guts to break away.” (page 109). George admires his friends for what



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