The Purpose for Moore’s Documentary
Essay by Emilee Paige Harned • March 3, 2017 • Essay • 737 Words (3 Pages) • 744 Views
The Purpose for Moore’s Documentary
Before watching Moore’s documentary about George W. Bush I didn’t really have much background information to make my own claims about him as a President. The video was very persuasive with developing the idea that George W. Bush was a bad man who was not certified to run the country. Moore gave many claims and examples which back up his views of Bush. Moore expresses his disfavor for bush and gives examples of how Bush is a bad president from the start. Moore’s documentaries purpose was to expose George W. Bush of his wrong doings.
In Moore documentary he includes certain videos to give you the negative point of view he had of Bush. For example, he shows clips in the beginning of Bush playing golf along with the claim that the first eight months of Bush being in office he was on vacation. This claim makes Bush look like a lousy president that doesn’t take initiative when it comes to running the United States. Later in the documentary Moore shows videos Iraq people throwing children’s dead bodies onto a truck and civilians crying out to God for vengeances on the United States for bombing their land and killing their people. In the documentary Moore takes clips of Bush and other political figures speeches to the public addressing how the United States is not a safe place for the people because we are at war with other countries. Moore explains that this was a scare tactic to get people to believe there was a threat when there actually wasn’t so that we stay true to the president, and stay true to our president in that he is truly protecting us. Moore goes on to show village people enjoying their day in the country of Iraq. The suddenly it shows America dropping bombs all over in Iraq. Whether or not these claims are true Moore does a good job at appealing to our emotions.
Moore narrates the documentary so that you get a sense of his view point of president Bush. Moore shows president Bush at an elementary school reading to children juts after hearing that the twin towers had been hit. He continues to compare Bush to Osama bin Laden. Claiming George Bush was a quiet and simple man as someone previously had described Osama. He then shows a video of Bush sitting in the elementary school starring off and Moore narrates the “what if” thought he might be having been having at that point in time. Throughout the video Moore narrates negative videos that Make you question if Bush was a good President or not.
Moore uses music to set a tone for his documentary. During the questionable claims of George bush Moore plays slow suspenseful piano music. I think music is a large portion of how we view certain sense. Moore tries to make the documentary somewhat comical at times. For example, when Moore takes about the bin Laden family being able to leave the country right after 9/11 and he play a song talking about “getting out of here” as it shows a plane taking off. The scene where it shows men in the military talking about the type of music they listen to when they’re at war and out killing is a little more disturbing. There are interviews of the men talking about how the music gives them an adrenalin rush. Then Moore played some of the music that they listened too which was vulgar and violent. With this scene Moore was trying to give stability to his claim that the men where killing innocent people and going kill crazy because this was the biggest war happening at that time for America.