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The Role of Internet for Educational Field

Essay by   •  December 2, 2016  •  Coursework  •  725 Words (3 Pages)  •  982 Views

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Rivaria Safitri

Puspita Devi, M.Pd.

Advance Writing

The Role of Internet for Educational Field

Thanks to Leonard Kleinrock for giving his biggest contribution for founding the most needed thing in the field of networks in this world until the current days. Internet, international computer network connecting other networks and computers from one place to other places which nowadays has been enhanced until can be used almost without limitation of time and space. Internet is something that is not only for getting but also sharing any information which can be accessed freely with the connection. We know that internet has been utilized in every field of our life without exception in the education sector. Furthermore, internet actually plays a big role in advancing education. How can we say that? Let’s see some of the facts on how internet can do that.

The most important thing as the fact of internet advancing education is internet has become an increasingly important feature of the learning environment. It can allow people to share and get information about science and knowledge. Most students in the world use internet as their source of information can learn new things besides book. Instead, students are more often use internet rather than a book. Internet can ease the students to search for their learning materials with just by one click.  Information contained on internet used by students to do their schoolwork and even to help them do the school research. Moreover, internet provide everything that they need for complete their school tasks. We know the term of “search engine” in the internet like Google or yahoo where can be used to looking for every information especially related to the educational purposes. Students can accessed the information from blog, see the pictures of their learning materials, also watch and even download some videos about the materials that they need because there are unlimited access for the information and knowledge provided on internet.

An additional fact on how internet can enhance the educational sector is in this era of globalization, people are trying harder gradually to make a better and higher technology. With those technology where we have been able to get unlimited access for everything that we want without worrying about time and space, indeed people think more on how can we use internet not only for searching the information and knowledge but also people have made such an online school where the students don’t have to go to the real school moreover for the students who live far away from the school itself. With the role of internet to study in the online school, the students can use the whole of it to support their study. For the example they use internet as the major source for their recent major school project or report and use email and instant messaging to contact teachers or classmates about schoolwork. Even though online, they still can do school activities like study in a real school. Nevertheless in online school, it can be more practical because they just need to face computers, laptops, or other gadgets with networks to the internet. Just think how the internet has made everything easier.



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