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The Silver Kiss

Essay by   •  December 1, 2010  •  1,193 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,758 Views

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Klause, Annette Curtis. The Silver Kiss. New York: Random House, 1999.

This Book seems to be quite current; however I would say that it more than likely took place during the 90's. There are many facts supporting my conclusion such as their knowledge of Cancer, the type of cars driven, the public transportation, and the descriptions of the buildings and stores in their town! The setting is important because Simon is from a different time. So the differences in their characteristics and manners are really what give this book an edge that appealed to me! Plus I really don't think this story would have been as interesting as it is if the characters were in a different time. Silver Kiss could have been set in any mid- sized town in America. The story gives me the impression that the town they are in isn't quite as small as Amboy, mainly because it has a huge hospital and a Public Bus.

The reason this story is such a great book is the way Klause wrote it. She told the book using first person point of view for both Simon and Zoл. This may sound confusing but it actually helped in expressing the details. In using this technique Klause was able to actually tell two different stories in this book. At first the book talks of Zoл's life and all of her hardships, and then she told of Simon's issues. But the best thing Klause did was to infuse these two stories in this book. It gave the two main characters more in common, and helped show similarities in the main characters personalities!

Zoл is lost when her mother is slowly dying from cancer. On top of that her father is having trouble coping with the whole situation, so he is basically non-existent, and her best fiend Lorraine is moving to Oregon. She is very lonely. So when Simon comes into her life she welcomes the company! Simon is a Vampire, who is originally from around Bristol, England in the year 1651. He was unwillingly turned into a vampire by, unknown to him at the time, his older brother. After he realizes what he has been turned into, he takes of after his brother, and is trying to kill him for revenge, for not only him, but his mother. Simon and Zoл share a unique bond, a bond that is formed because they both have problems with death. Over the course of this story the two begin to fall in love. The two of them are the protagonist, because they are trying to stop the killer, or antagonist, Christopher. Christopher is Simon's evil brother. He, unlike Simon, enjoys killing. Most of his victims are women, he tricks into believing he is a young lost boy that needs to be comforted.

Zoл is all alone, her family is falling apart and her best friend is moving to Oregon! She is very lonely, but at the same time trying to act like, an adult. One night she is frightened when she runs into a beautiful boy in the park. They are both intrigued by the reaction they got when their eyes met. A few days later, when there is a killing in town and Simon sees Zoл across the street, he can't help, but comfort her.

Zoл is interested in the sweet beautiful boy, until she comes up on him in an alley, eating a bird, with blood on his face. That night Simon goes to Zoл's' house, and explains the whole story. At first she is skeptical, but then Simon shows her a picture of his whole family, including Christopher. Once she knows she is surprisingly accepting. They both spend time together; learning what is means to be alive. They also begin to come to terms with what they were dealt. Simon helps Zoл realize that her mom will be in a better place when she passes. Her mother didn't choose to leave and if she could she would definitely stay. At the same time Zoл shows Simon the joy's of life! When Zoл finally comes to terms with the fact that dying is only the beginning, she courageously volunteers to help Simon kill Christopher. While Simon is off coming up with a plan Zoл is healing the relationship between herself and Loraine. They both realize they were



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