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The Slave Dancer

Essay by   •  May 10, 2011  •  899 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,375 Views

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The Errand Summary

The book opens with the narrator, Jessie, describing his mother's trade being that of a seamstress.

Jessie ponders over how a small an object like a sewing needle can provide for his family. Jessie goes on to describe the room he and his family live in which is on the first floor of a house filled with moisture. Jessie's sister, Betty, .....

The Moonlight Summary

Jessie is still on the bottom of the small boat, and he becomes overwhelmed with sleepiness.

Jessie is continually worried of being hit by the swinging wood attached to the sail and cannot get comfortable in the cramped space. Jessie dozes now and then while his captors speak quietly. Jessie feels that hours pass on the small boat, a.....

The Shrouds Summary

The reality of Jessie being on an illegal slave trade ship slowly sinks in for him.

The crew declares that the number of ships involved in the slave trade cancel out the validity of the laws which prohibit it. Ned Grime, the carpenter, is the only one who does not protest the laws, but when Jessie learns that he earns money from the su.....

The Bight of Benin Summary

Ned, the carpenter, has been very busy building a platform, upon which sits a carronade which Nicholas Spark seems to touch for good luck.

Jessie knows that the ship will soon be meeting up with other men. Jessie learns that the Captain has a variety of national flags and paperwork he can use to change the ship's nationality sho.....

Nicholas Spark Walks on Water Summary

The chapter opens with Purvis telling a story of a ship whose crew and captain went blind from a horrible disease.

Jessie questions the story and asks how anyone could know of it if everyone died and the ship was lost at sea. Jessie cannot understand the truth of the story, but can understand the truth in the horror o.....

The Spaniard Summary

The chapter opens with Cooley, one of the sailors, telling Jessie about cockfighting and about Cooley's goal of owning a cockfighting pit.

Sam Wick exclaims that only savages enjoy watching cockfights. That day Ned Grime's body had been thrown overboard, and eight slaves were found dead. Jessie finds himself believing that everything .....

Ben Stout's Mistake Summary

It is evening and Jessie describes the Cuban shoreline as looking smoky and indistinct.

This is the last night the slaves will be on board, and the crew and slaves are all agitated. Before dawn, the slaves will be placed on boats to be rowed to shore, and there the Spaniard will fatten and strengthen the slaves before selling t.....

The Old Man Summary

When the two boys awake, the sea is tranquil, and Jessie smells the land.

Jessie is shocked to smell what he believes to be chickens, and the African boy believes he smells the same thing. Jessie sees a chicken come bobbing out of the nearby trees, and he knows that means people are nearby which makes him nervous. The boy acts as if to.....

Home and After Summary

Jessie is frightened of being in the dark woods by



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