The Theme of Love in the Drama by William Shakespeare “othello, the Moor of Venice”
Essay by kpopovych • March 27, 2017 • Essay • 834 Words (4 Pages) • 1,874 Views
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The Theme of love in the drama by William Shakespeare “Othello, The Moor of Venice”
The Theme of love in the drama by William Shakespeare “Othello, The Moor of Venice”
William Shakespeare was the English playwright and poet, who created numerous famous sonnets, dramatic works, chronicles and comedy. During his lifetime he wrote about 37 plays and 154 sonnets. William Shakespeare did not invent plots of his plays, he borrowed them from ancient historical chronicles, predecessor’s plays and Italian novels.
The source of the story of the tragedy “Othello, The Moor of Venice” was the short story "Moor of Venice" from the collection of Italian writer Ghiraldi Chinito, which in moralizing spirit tells the reader an unhappy love story. Shakespeare changed a lot in his play, he gave it an entirely different nature and content by going beyond the theme of family and personal relationships.
The tragedy of love in "Othello" is caused by the philosophy and morality of the society of the Renaissance. It is also caused by conflict of the two outlooks generated in that era. The first one is it heroic and noble outlook, what is depicted in the image of Othello and Desdemona; and the second one is the dark force - Iago.
The Moor of Venice, Othello is a famous general of the Venetian Republic. He lives the life full of heroism, romance and though trials. His valor earned the respect, honor and recognition. He is devoted to the military. When he was taking the order of the Senate to oppose the Turkish fleet, he said
“My services which I have done the seigniory
Shall out-tongue his complaints..” [1,2. 19-20]
The love story between Othello and Desdemona begins when Othello narrates a story about his adventures and the hardships on the land and in the seas, in the house of her father, Senator Brabantio. Desdemona hides and listens to it as well. This was the moment when she fell in love with him. He won the heart of Desdemona by his exploits. And when Brabantio accused Othello in the “witchcraft” on his daughter, Othello explained:
“She loved me for the dangers I had passed,
And I loved her that she did pity them.
This only is the witchcraft I have used.” [1,3. 172-174]
Othello and Desdemona combine spiritual closeness, because the love gave them the highest happiness. For the sake of their love, Desdemona broke old traditions, disregard parental prohibition and rejected father’s prejudice against the human environment of the African - American.
“That I did love the Moor to live with him,
My downright violence and storm of fortunes
May trumpet to the world. My heart’s subdued
Even to the very quality of my lord.
I saw Othello’s visage in his mind,
And to his honors and his valiant parts
Did I my soul and fortunes consecrate.” [1,3. 249-255]
Othello’s love to Desdemona is not just an ordinary love passion. Desdemona was the embodiment of his ideal life, the affirmation of faith in people, fairness and reasonableness of the world.
But this wonderful feeling is thrown into the world of selfishness and evil. Iago destroyed the happiness of noble and trusting people and led them to death. He is the embodiment of the dark. He is depicted in tragedy as a reasonable man. Iago’s relation to the people caused by the convictions in their deceit and depravity. The main motives of human behavior in his understanding are greed, immorality and sober calculation. Iago hates Othello and Desdemona because they do not agree with his predatory way of living. Iago seeks not only to destroy Othello, he seeks for the way to humiliate him. So he found Othello’s weak spot – the love to Desdemona. So step by step, he creates his intrigue and “poisons” the soul of Othello with suspicion and jealousy. The more Othello feels upset and destroyed the more Iago enjoys it. When Othello, exhausted by suffering, lost the consciousness, Iago says: