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The on the Spot Ramblings of an All Night Surfer Required to Write an Essay

Essay by   •  September 10, 2016  •  Creative Writing  •  1,269 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,281 Views

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The on the spot ramblings of an all-night surfer required to write an essay

By James Yows

When accessing this site I suddenly realized more would be required than a simple fill out this field submit e-mail prove you are human blah blah blah.  What’s this?  Thought required……..  I accept the challenge.

The creative flow spurned on through high doses of caffeinated beverage and lack of sleep.  Worthless drivel to peruse through by some poor soul whose job it is to referee these submissions, you have my sympathy.  

I chose philosophy as a subject so here goes…

When in doubt, whip it out, But not in public please.  For there are ladies present and small children.  Okay so I’ve lightened the mood now we are ready…

My qualifications on this are as follows.  I have had a beer while chatting to an elder in my youth whilst gazing at the stars on one starry night.  I have also imbibed of the magical wild wonder shrub and pondered the mysteries of life.  I have opened the door to my mind and hit the reset button more than once.  I believe I have also stayed at a Motel 6.  

To be or not to be.  Whoops plagiarism.  Let me rephrase that.  To exist or not exist this is the query.  I think therefore I am.  This we can agree upon.  Is it not a wonder that the human mind is capable of such cognitive reasoning?  To have reached such a precipice to question one’s own existence.  You and I were before we realized we were.  Some switch was flipped and suddenly the senses put it all together and voila!  Self-awareness!  You probably don’t remember the exact moment.  Maybe you saw your shadow, or your reflection?  Did a voice boom in your head like God saying I AM?  Still don’t remember?  That’s OK I can’t either.  All languages have pronouns.  Coincidence?  I jest.  Of course they do!  One of man’s first words had to be a pronoun to convey to another meaning in context of relationships.  “I love you.”  Perhaps they referred to themselves in third party till they got the whole pronoun thing going.  “Gronk love you.  Gronk want mammoth burger!  Gronk tired”.  You get the idea.  Some little kids do that for a while before the wheels upstairs start turning faster.  “Mommy Timmy want num num!”

The use of big words and proper syntax is essential to stroke one’s own ego and to give the air of superiority.  Feel not intimidated by this but rather give way and bask in my narcissistic ramblings.   Just kidding.  Perhaps the I AM in my head has puffed itself up to superego status.  Self-awareness given way to mania.  The effects of sleep deprivation and excessive caffeine perhaps.  I apologize.  I get this way when I use too many personal pronouns.  I’m also a bit crazy and tend to talk this way in my mind.  

The good thing about being philosophical is that there is no right or wrong.  It is a search for truth to expand your knowledge.   Searching for answers, sometimes for unanswerable questions.   Like is there a soul?  How do you measure worth?  Life beyond death?  The if a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound type of questions.  If you travel at light speed and then turn your headlights on what happens kind of thing.   When tackling hard questions I try to be as objective, scientific, and logical as possible.

To some, philosophy seems pointless.  I agree at times it seems burdensome.  However, it has always been the why where how what etcetera that has spurned on ideas that progressed human invention.  Scientific hypotheses is mere philosophy until proven fact.   Early scientists and inventors were thought mad by public consensus.  The Earth is round?…. smh.  

In my early years at college I took some psychology.  There I realized just how screwed up I really was.  The problem for me learning the different psychological disorders was that I identified with way too many of them.  I would like to think that we all have a certain amount of depression, mania, schizophrenia,  general bi-polar issues and such,   For myself,  I’ll have the full meal deal please!



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