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Essay by   •  June 19, 2011  •  996 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,071 Views

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Truth, how is it to be defined? Is truth a persons own perception or is it a common perception, something that everyone can agree on? What really makes something true? And who really has that decision factor? Is there a truth fairy out there in the world that determines what is right and wrong and tells everyone what to believe? Truth is a question with a million answers.

I believe that truth is someone’s own perception, it comes from what they believe and there is no “absolute“ truth. But it can be so easily argued that that is exactly what it isn’t. People all have their different perceptions on things. So if everyone has a different perception on everything, that would mean that there would be infinite truths. So would that make them all true? What would make one more true than the other? To one person their beliefs would be right, but to the other people who’s beliefs it goes against, it wouldnвЂ?t. If someone perceives truth in their own way, does that make it a lie to someone else? The individual believes it is true, so why can’t it be? Someone else might not agree with it being right, but does that make it wrong just because the other person doesn’t believe it? Or does it make it right because the individual believes it does? For example, if one person truly believes in Santa Claus and another person doesn’t they are both going to fight for their belief. They both would have their legitimate reasons for believing what’s true, so what would make one right over the other? One would probably be logical and the other one illogical, but they both are someone’s perception, so are they both true? Both have plausible reasons, but does that make Santa Claus real or fake? A lot of people believe that Santa was real as a child, so what made them change their mind? Santa is as real as real can be in the face of a child, there is nothing fake about him. That is there perception on him, so is that true? As adults people know that Santa is ridiculous and far from true, that’s there perception, so is it true? Which one is right and which one is wrong? There really is no answer, it just ends up going in circles. It can be argued that they are both right, or that they are both wrong. So why even have a truth if there isn’t any sort of absolute truth? People are just going to fight about what they believe is right, so what’s the purpose of even having a truth?

With the absence of truth we would live in an artificial world. A world where nothing would be real, and everything would be fake. No one would know what was right and what was wrong. Everything would be fiction. There just has to be truth no matter how hard it may be. Truth is the “character of being”, it makes everyone true and real. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, truth is the “conformity with fact and the agreement with reality”. That is an understandable definition, but can truth really be defined? Truth is perceived so differently by every individual, so how can it really be defined? Someone once said, “Truth is made rather than found.” I completely agree with that. Truth isn’t something that someone can just find and believe in, truth has to be made from that person.



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