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Tyco Brahe

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The Life of Tycho Brahe

Tycho Brahe is most accurately defined as one of the original fathers of astronomy. His passion for examining the sky, lead to many significant contributions in the world of astronomy. Although Brahe is highly recognized as being the greatest observer with the naked eye, he is also recognized for several events that took place during his life. Abduction, facial deformation, and a mysterious death are all part of Tycho Brahe’s life history.

Tycho Brahe was born into high aristocracy in Denmark on December 14, 1546. His mother, Beate Bille gave birth to twins. Only one twin survived and that was Tycho Brahe. Brahe was never told of being a twin until many years later. Tycho was two years old when his uncle Jorgen Brahe and aunt Inger Oxe abducted him. They simply took him away from his parents without an extreme protest from his mother or father. During this time Beate had given birth to her second son Steen and was expecting another baby. As far as Brahe understood about this bizarre event, “his uncle Jorgen, without the knowledge of my parents took me away with him while I was in my earliest youth” (8 Ferguson). Brahe never fully understood the abduction and was never given an explanation of this event until many years later. His only recollection is that one

day his uncle simple collected him, brought him to his home and never returned him to his parents.

Neither of Brahe’s birth parents Beate Bille or Otte Brahe came from a background of academics. However both families held a prestigious position to the Danish kings. The Brahe’s were combatant knights. Brahe’s great uncle Axel was one of the first Danish nobles to deny Catholicism in support of the Lutheran king Christian III during the restructuring of politics and religion in the 1530s. Otte, Brahe’s birth father and his brother Jorgen, Brahe’s stepfather, also participated in the political and religious disruption by demonstrating their combative loyalty in 1537. Both brothers, Otte and Jorgen were recognized figures for their participation in battle and loyalty to the king.

Brahe’s birth mother Bette came from a family that demonstrated services to the king. The Bille family commanded important castles in Denmark and Norway. However when it was recognized that seven of the Catholic bishops of Denmark were related to the Bille’s, the family no longer held the prestige that it was once regarded. They lost their position and financial standing in society. It was not until the marriage of Beate Bille and Otte Brahe that the building block of prestige and finance started to regain.

Brahe was considered lucky to have his aunt Inger, also his stepmother, who was

part of the Oxe family. His aunt Inger came from a family of refinement and

academic achievement. Brahe was in a very unique and advantageous position. He had the advantage of growing up in a heretical world and all that it had to offer. With having

two prestigious families, he would be able to select whatever education or career he preferred.

In 1553 Brahe began his academics at the age of seven and continued to further in his educational endeavors when he turned twelve by entering the University of Copenhagen. However on August 21, 1560 at the age of thirteen, Brahe had his first encounter with this sky. It is not known if he had actually witnessed an eclipse of the Moon or he had simple heard about the spectacular event. This event “set fire to his already considerable fascination with the subject” (Ferguson 14). This fascination would remain with him until his death. “Brahe undertook to learn more and in the process became a first-class astronomer” (Beebe 10).

During Brahe’s academic studies, his uncle Jorgen died in June of 1565. While King Frederick and Jorgen were drinking, the King fell in the waters under the Amager Bridge. In a most heroic attempt to save him, Jorgen jumped into the water. However, this attempt cost Jorgen his life. It is not clearly documented if he died of complications from the attempted rescue or simply drowned during the attempt. The death of his uncle Jorgen was heartbreaking.

Soon after the death of his uncle Jorgen, Brahe wished to return to his studies. After much persuasion, Brahe convinced his birth father, Otte to let him continue his studies instead of becoming part of service to the king. In 1566 Brahe arrived in Wittenberg when a plague had overcome the town. Although most the students left, Tyco

went to the town of Rostock. This move would cause the another occurrence in Brahe’s life.

On December 10th, while attending a dance, Brahe became engaged in a quarrel that would forever change his physical appearance. Although the contents of the dispute are not documented clearly, an argument erupted between Brahe and another student, Parsberg. This argument continued at several other dances and both individuals departed enraged. Their last encounter on December 29, would forever be part of Brahe’s physical character. During dinner in the lodging house that both Brahe and Parsberg shared as students, the argument eventually blew up and both demand that the other draw their swords and go out to the church grounds. By the time onlookers arrived at the scene of the fight, the duel was over. The onlookers were horrified at what they were now viewing. A blow from Parsberg’s sword had cut off a large portion of Brahe’s nose. There was nothing doctors could do to repair the damage. Brahe endured a long recuperation that was painful. However Brahe was extremely lucky that scar tissue formed and there was no serious infection. Brahe left Rostock and returned to Denmark.

Upon returning to Denmark, Brahe created a mixture of gold and silver to create a flesh color nose. He used a paste balm to hold his nose in place. Brahe’s facial transformation gave him a unique look for the remainder of his life. This physical transformation also opened new areas of interest to Brahe. He now found himself interested in alchemy and medicine due to his severed nose.

Brahe became restless and wanted to return to Rostock to continue his studies. This time his father, Otte, was not as supportive of his decision. Tycho



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