U.S. Economic Recovery
Essay by Yu Li • June 21, 2017 • Essay • 370 Words (2 Pages) • 1,144 Views
Over those past eight years, for some perspectives, president Obama did some significant amount of jobs in the government. Before judging a president good or bad, it is important to analysis his government job during the office. All president’s want to create a better America and economy, diplomacy and rate of employment. I cannot state that president Obama is the best president in the U.S. history, but a good president. Even though the U.S. economic recovery was slow, but the identification of the U.S. economy is growing larger and larger especially in Europe.
From GDP growth, inflation and unemployment, however, during Obama’s tenure, the economic performance is better than George w. bush did. When Barack Obama took office in 2009, the national unemployment rate nearly 10%, but eight years later, the Obama ’s government keep the unemployment rate around 5% and GDP growth remains positive growth which the unemployment rate decreased 50%. Then, Obama care is passed for the good of American which let many of Americans get insurance, but the results may not be that cheap because people may pay more for the insurance.
According to Greenberg and page, it states democracy as "A system of government in which the people rule; rule by the many", under the constitution, it stated that the country is based on people’s will and mind, people have the right to do things. But when it comes to the question “does the U.S. need more democracy”, the answer for me is a yes. Greenberg and Page argue that the bureaucracy in the United States faces hostile political culture. Hostile political culture which doesn’t trust government; first of all, republican voters defied all expectations and make Trump became the nominee for the president. The idea is that like professor Franks said, with direct democracy, smart people would look at the policy and analysis effectively; the core of democracy is the consent of the people; but with the hardworking of the republicans, let many poors and significant number of Asian people during the election. So in this presidency gave me a feeling that people didn’t choose their politicians, instead is their politicians targeting them, that’s why the U.S. need more democracy somehow.