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Unhappy Employees

Essay by   •  December 5, 2010  •  836 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,845 Views

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Unhappy Employees

Operating in the everyday work environment causes many managers to be consumed in their everyday tasks. Many companies and organizations tend to overlook the unhappy attitudes of their employees. Their main concerns are sales goals and bottom line figures. It is not complicated to understand that managers are so busy and don't necessarily have the time to investigate every single employee issue that arises. It is an issue for the company, only when there is a decrease in the total sales goals or figures.

For example, at the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) managers depend on their seniors to help with daily tasks and also keep upper management informed of any employee issues or concerns they are unaware of. A situation at DCAA, involving the resignation of three newly hired employees in a time frame of three days, this should have sparked some form of speculation. The points covered in the essay will assess the problem, discuss a solution, and analyze the application of the solution.

TraSondra Frazier will explain why many employees are are unhappy in their current positions. For example, a team worked five consecutive ten hour days, which resulted in an incident where one of the team members became irate and began to express her feelings to her immediate supervisor. One of the significant points discussed was management's lack of appreciation. She also added late work nights, which did not include compensation or credit hours. Her recommendations were heard by management, but no actions were taken. She became so angry and upset with management's lack of concern she began coming in late and doing what she wanted to do. She felt the need to rectify the situation by showing her supervisor that if they had no concerns regarding her needs, she had no concerns regarding their company. At first, she started off doing small things and as time progressed her bad habits snowballed until it spiraled out of control. Her habitual lateness and laziness began to affect the team's overall attitude towards work. It was not fair for everybody else to be held accountable for the inadequate work. The team became concerned regarding managements lack of skills regarding the work environment and employee issues. The other team members also began to display the same behavior.

As a result of the ongoing tardiness and lack of interest of the team, deadlines were missed, audits uncompleted, and no one never questioned costs (the process took too long). Management held a team meeting; they wanted to know what was occurring in their day to day lives, which resulted in no work completions. The team members expressed to their supervisors that they did not feel appreciated and as a result they did not owe the company their best skills and abilities since they were not compensated for their hard work. The management team discussed why loyalty is an important ingredient of any workplace.



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