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Usa World Bank

Essay by   •  January 12, 2011  •  4,672 Words (19 Pages)  •  1,428 Views

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Problem Solution: USA World Bank

Problem Solution: USA World Bank.

In a competitive market, USA World Bank (USA WB) is experiencing the effects of the tremendous impacts of globalization and increased innovations in the print publisher industry. . “The Digital Media selection is e-book in this model and the interaction between information richness and complexity of the problem/situation at hand” and “richness is defined as the potential information-carrying capacity of data” (Kreitner and Kinicki, 2004).Other companies are incorporating new technology to enhance their products and services in their business. (USA WB) must act quickly to secure their status as an industry leader and to exceed other Digital Media e-books publishing organizations in the local and international markets. Effective problem solving skills are absolutely essential for (USA WB)’s leaders. In order to appropriately assess the current environment and implement an effective action plan, a situation analysis, identifying the current issues and opportunities, an examination of the key stakeholders’ ethical dilemmas and conflicts within the organization as well as establishment of goals for the endвЂ"state vision must ensue. Upon completion of these assessments, which assisted in performing a concise gap analysis, (USA WB) must be able to execute multiple strategies to increase the chances of a successful turnaround. Viable solutions to the problem are addressed in the text to follow. A completely new way of aligning the people, technology, strategy and equipment will be necessary for them to remain competitive in the industry. To ensure that the appropriate steps are implemented, a clear statement of the problem, analysis of multiple solutions and identification of a sound set of goals with measurable indicators must occur.

Describe the Situation

Issue and Opportunity Identification

In the Publisher’s industry, (USA WB) is faced with decreased ability to remain competitive because of new product technologies implemented by other companies. In addition, CEO Meg P. McGill was elected to implement a new e-book alternative to stay competitive in the publisher industry and show potential revenue earnings in order to implement a plan to restore their presence in the publishing industry. In return, this will give USA World Bank an opportunity to enter new markets and address ongoing company strategy for the future to increase revenue and profitability.

Due to trends in market activity with low-cost retailers capitalizing the publishing markets down fall, which is attributed to too much competition among digital media providers companies with new product technology, was evidenced. This new digital media of technology overwhelmed the market and made USA World Bank publisher rethink their strategy to develop a more powerful, innovative, and aggressive way to compete. These high profile small business publisher’s companies had expanded their digital media features to markets across the country. In an effort to address this issue, (USA WB) decides to interface their product with an Asia provider to offer digital media for their e-book publishing. This move will give them a more competitive advantage by partnering with more digital media providers and allowing small business owners to order e-book anytime on the internet. With this new product digital media technology, company information hosted on the mainframe can still be accessible remotely. (USA WB)’s highest priorities are plans for growth and expanding its products and services.

Secondly, the board members are still not convinced that this new product is change to reduce expenses and improve profitability. Their main objectives are to restore their creditability in the domestic workforce and then to relocate some of their local representatives to their expanding consumer sites in Asia. However, the Asia site will pilot the new era for USA World Bank e-book publishing. In addition, this will increase e-book revenue sales by 5 % because the worldwide sales of e-books showed a profitability trend in this new operation at the Asia site. With this in mind, CEO William Guardo is examining this new strategy to demonstrate how profitable the e-book publishing for USA World Bank will become by expanding in new markets with a more comprehensive plan for success in sales and operations.

Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas

William Guardo is the CEO at Harrison-Keyes. He is examining the new e-book publishing initiative to see how feasible this project in regards to returned on investments will prove successful. He is concern about ongoing issues that are not being address in a timely manner. In addition, “though he’s been in publishing for more than 30 years -- most recently as the President of a competing publisher -- he favors traditional publishing, has little high-tech experience and is not a big fan of e-books.”

Robert Smith Is the CFO at Harrison-Keyes. He is a talented CPA who’s been with the company for ten years. Roberts is focused on the company’s bottom line. He’s a bit uncomfortable with the financial projections for the e-books strategic initiative.

Will X. Harper is a well-established and well-known author on the “A” list. Will has reservations about e-books and is leading what has become known as the “author’s opposition group. He feels a strong obligation about author’s risk to pirates and does not want to mar the history to easily and illegally make thousands of copies of any author’s works. He also feels this may cost him hundreds of thousands in royalties.

Dharma Joyce is the Executive vice President, global Strategy. Before joining USA World Bank five years ago, Dharma worked for a major consulting firm. She is in charge of seeking and developing global expansion opportunities for the company.

Still, Pete Ross is the production manager at USA World Bank. Pete has been at USA World Bank just two years, but he’s been in publishing for more than 25 years. His creativity and cooperative is great. However, he has little tolerance for dealing with people from overseas. It is clear that the values of honesty, loyalty, commitment and integrity are present among the players. However, to whom or what cause these values are directed comprises the driving force of the conflict.

Frame the �Right” Problem




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