Essay by 24 • October 9, 2010 • 2,423 Words (10 Pages) • 1,552 Views
A Real Estate, Property Management Software Program.
This is your Realty Showcase to near and distant lands!
International Marketing Project created by:
Joanna Holder
Raquel Montenegro &
Lorei Meinen
Visions, is a software program created by our company, Meitender 3 Realty. Our company is based in the Northwest.
Telephone: 1-800-VIS-IONS
Fax: 1-866-1-VI-SION
Web Address: http. //
Contacts: Lorei Meinen
Raquel Montenegro
Joanna Holder
1.0 Executive Summary:
"Visions software was created to develop an affiliation of independent locally owned
real estate companies and/or property managers. This software, along with a global
network, will specialize in managing, marketing and linking a virtual organization of
small real estate companies located in pre-selected European Countries, along with the
United States. The network will provide buyers with properties while allowing the companies to maintain autonomy. This powerful software is the bond that can unite your business, partners, and customers. Visions is a dynamic link designed to make your entire organization more efficient, more flexible and on demand.
2.0 Geographical/Social/Cultural Analysis:
We selected this area over other possible areas of the world because of the knowledge we obtained from our programs and clients currently using our software in the United States. There is a need and a want for this type of software, in order to see and communicate, with real estate agents and property mangers in the International Markets among and with their perspective buyers.
2.1 Product Analysis:
Vision software offers a high-level of expertise in International property management. The product will focus on providing two kinds of International triangles.
 Providing United States clients with listings on European properties.
 Provides European clients with listings on United States properties.
The product can calculate projected property taxes, mortgage payments and maintenance costs.
This year we intend to serve customers (real estate agency's) whose clientele is interested in buying and selling internationally. There is no product currently available in the European market to meet the needs of the real estate agents in the capacity that the Visions Software is capable of.
2.2 Market Summary:
Vision is a high technology computer software service intended to help the European market real estate agents bring their property listings to their clients with out leaving the office. Our designated markets are mostly small and occasionally medium sized agency's that want to be more successful. Our most important customers are real estate agents and property managers that are interested in providing real-estate listings and information to consumers at all stages of their life. They need to be able to show their clientele listings and information on share accommodations, homes and apartments for rent, first home purchases, homes and apartments for sale, investment properties, second lifestyle homes and retirement living properties. They need to be able to provide the vision first, before they take a single step to tour the properties. This software program will save your clients time and the expense of looking at properties that do not suit their needs. It will also generate more revenue for you.
2.3 Market Needs:
When an agency wants to purchase our product there is a need for temporary expertise. They need to establish a design that allows them to develop the international capability while maintaining the local entrepreneurial, "door is always open, come inside" feel.
2.4 Market Trends:
"Visions" stands to benefit from some market trends such as internationalization.
 The Internet has brought a bigger world into direct communication with the manufacturers.
 Communications technology is a new industry explosion. Modems, network cards, communications software, routers, cables and connectors are all growing.
 Attractive alternative to traveling long distances and saving on costly international phone calls.
 Global networking
3.0 Strengths
1. Reputable and established expertise. Our experience and expertise of this program is a giant step into the future of your business.
2. We have an excellent website with an automatic link to training in order to help clients come up to speed with all the facilities we offer. We can even hold Internet meetings with shared interface and visuals.
3. Manageable size. We do not have to support a large overhead, and our current clients know that we deliver what we promise
4. Contacts, contacts, contacts. Years of industry experience means, a lot of word-of-mouth marketing, contacts, and networking.
3.1 Weaknesses:
1. Marketing. As a group we will depend