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Was the Marshall Plan as a Policy of Containment More Successful Than the Truman Doctrine and the Domino Theory as Other Policies of Containment?

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Was The Marshall Plan As A Policy of Containment More Successful Than The Truman Doctrine And The Domino Theory As Other Policies of Containment?

The Marshall Plan a plan instituted by the secretary of state of the US in 1947; George Marshall as a means of economic support to the nations in Europe to aid with economic reconstruction on behalf of the US. ‘From 1948 to 1951, the U.S. contributed $13.2 billion to European recovery. $3.2 billion went to the United Kingdom, $2.7 billion to France, $1.5 billion to Italy, and $1.4 billion to the Western-occupied zones of Germany’ ( De Long, J. Bradford, and Barry Eichengreen). Although it did have its flaws like do all policies when being implemented, the Marshall Plan was more successfully implemented than the Truman Doctrine which was ‘the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures’ (Kissinger, Henry) which a lot of critics felt like it was a made up justification by the US to interfere in other countries affairs, and the Domino Theory which had no reputable basis but was rather vaguely described by saying that if a communist government were to take over a region or nation that would then take the action of a domino and spread through neighboring nations and or regions.

One of the very first obstacles that the Marshall Plan faced was the refusal of the Soviet Union and some Eastern bloc countries to be participants, because they felt as if it would involve too much of an interference into the affairs of their countries and give the US too much power. This plan not only provided the majority of Western Europe with monetary assistance, food an important necessity of life was also provided, machinery, staples and fuel were provided as well to meet the current pressing needs at that time before proceeding to solve other issues later on (Marshall, George). The plan also known as the European Recovery Program was very successful as it aided a vast majority of European countries, 17 nations in total at that time which include; Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom and West Germany (Marshall, George). Not only was the Marshall plan effective in meeting short term needs, it also had a lasting impact on these economies which can still be seen today a major example of this is the European Union (THE GEORGE C. MARSHALL FOUNDATION) which was formed as a result of the economic success due to the Marshall Plan. “Our policy is directed not against any country or doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos. Its purpose should be the revival of a working economy in the world so as to permit the emergence of political and social conditions in which free institutions can exist.” This quote by George Marshall was truly put in place, not only did the plan help European nations economically rather it also helped combat communism and the spread of communism.

The Domino Theory was a theory based on little to no reputable evidence but rather was based on an illusion (Falk, Barbara J.), and a theory or policy with little to no basis is not a policy that should be put in place especially when it comes to a policy that can determine the future of an entire nation and or surrounding nations. It is



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