Washing Hands
Essay by 24 • November 1, 2010 • 773 Words (4 Pages) • 1,579 Views
Title: Keeping Your Hands Washed
Specific Purpose: I would like to persuade my audience to become regular hand-washers Central Idea: By doing something as simple as washing our hands, we can prevent unnecessary diseases.
I. Attention: Honestly, how many of you wash your hands every time after using a public restroom? "The American Society for Microbiology wanted to know how many people told the truth about their hand-washing habits. So volunteers called more than 1,000 people across the country and asked. Of those surveyed, 95% said they always wash after using after using a public restroom." ~ CNN
II. Topic: Today I obviously want to persuade you to become regular hand-washers.
III. Credibility: I feel that I am credible to this topic because I have done the proper research, and I am also a victim of food poison (one of the affects of not washing your hands).
IV. Preview: How many of you really want to be at risk of sitting on the toilet all night having diarrhea? You're sitting there thinking your health is more important right? Well it only takes 15 seconds of washing your hands to prevent something like that to happen. I am here to tell you about these unnecessary affects from not washing your hands, and will hopefully persuade you to wash your hands more frequently.
(Transition: With that said lets talk about some of the affects from not washing your hands.)
I. "If this year is typical, kids will miss 22 million days of school because of colds alone, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says." ~ USA today
A. Not regularly washing your hands can cause other diseases other than the common cold.
1. Pendemic Influenza: a viral infection of the lungs. "A pandemic is caused by a new influenza virus that most people have never been exposed to, so everyone is susceptible." ~ Virginia Health Department
2. Shigellosis: a highly infectious form of dysentery caused by the shigella bacterium. ~ UK dept. of Agriculutre
3. Zoonoses: diseases that people can get from animals, especially when you have close contact with them. ~ Caring for Kids
B. "Hand-washing is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of germs." ~ Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. Many people may not know the proper time to wash their hands.
1. There are 8 main times when people should wash their hands. (show
(Transition: With knowing the certain diseases and when properly washing your hands,
now I will discuss the proper way to wash your hands.)
II. Properly washing your hands does not mean just sticking your hands under cold water, there is a proper procedure which can ensure you a more healthy life.
A. Many people just put their