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What About Baptism - Cultures Cultivated Confusion

Essay by   •  May 16, 2018  •  Presentation or Speech  •  1,029 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,094 Views

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Firstly I wanted to thank you for attending my speech

Chapter 1

Cultures Cultivated Confusion

In today's modern society we are met with ideals that are straight from the pits of hell. World views and

I will never forget the story my Pastor has told For one how rememberable that it is and for two how many times he has told it. There was a newly wed and a husband who were having their first Christmas together. The wife took the ham that they were having and cut off the hinder part of it and threw away half. Then placed the other half in the oven. When questioned by the husband. She said. “I’m not quite sure why, but this is the way mother taught me to cook it”. They both called the mother and were surprised to find the same answer. “I’m not sure why this is just the way my mother always did it.” The young lady called her grandmother and questioned her, again they came to the same answer. After contacting several more relatives she found out that her great great great grandmother always cut off half of the ham because the oven was to small to put all of it in there. Just think of how much ham was wasted after generations of misinformation. Generations of saying “well I do it this way because this is the way mother always did it”. What if I told you about another way of cooking ham? Not a new way just a different way? See truth is as old as the creation itself. However beginning in the garden lies and misinformation is almost just as old. It is the devil’s big business to get the church Lying for him. A lie is still a lie if it is 2 minuets old or 2,000 years old. This is not grandmas religion no this is your relationship with the King.

In Philippians 2:12 it says

“Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.”

This sometimes means we must question what we always believed and always thought to be true. Which as the word of God says is scary,(fear and trembling) but what walk with God isn’t? I can remember a time that I was on my knees crying before God in fear because my mom was just in a tragic car accident. I was deathly afraid I was going to loose her. God placed His hand on her and pulled her out of the grips of death, into his perfect will. Even though we must question these things, This does not mean we must neglect everything that God has ever given or done for us, no. Yet we must always grow in knowledge of His truth and of His Word. Always searching for the truth of His word and admitting to when we got something wrong. I don’t think we will ever have all the answers but I do believe that we will have the important ones. It is our duty all and command to

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭2:15‬ ‭KJV.

If this is true God not only gave us His truth and us the ability and power to rightly divide it. Yet He also commanded us to do so.

I often found myself wondering, "if this is true then why is it that we have so many different denominations within the walls of our Christian religion? Why is it so divided?Could it be that the devil has infiltrated the the bulletproof word of God's truth? Could it



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