What Are the Basic Needs Missing for This Cchild?
Essay by Megan Castillo • October 25, 2015 • Exam • 1,852 Words (8 Pages) • 1,154 Views
Case Vignette
Theories in Counseling Families and Individuals: PC6230
Argosy University/ Inland Empire
Megan Castillo
What are the basic needs missing for this child?
Baby Jesse basic needs are not being met: Physiological this includes , safety, nutrition, shelter, rest, food, and human touch which includes meeting Baby Jesse’s basic needs so that he can be nurtured to reach a higher stage of development. If the baby’s needs are not met he will likely from a failure to thrive and also the baby will not be able to develop trust with his parent or even his caregivers. Safety needs: Overall parents need to protect their children from danger and maintain a safe and stable environment. Babies become concerned with this stage once they are confident that their physiological needs have been met and will continue to be met. Social needs: Baby Jesse needs to feel unconditional love and acceptance. The baby must first feel family stability in the safety and security level before he can begin seeking social interaction outside of the family. For a baby, this is the stage when distrust in strangers and separation anxiety should begin to fade as comfort in the family structure increases. Baby Jesse will become more open to exploring and playing, as well as interacting readily with others. Self-esteem will occur when Baby Jesse enter’s childhood. This is the stage when he will begin to focus on his own self-worth. Encouragement and respect are important, as is positive discipline and the opportunity to learn life skills. The child will begin to build upon confidence and independence. I feel that Self actualization isn’t important at this time for Baby Jesse. These are all the basic needs that are missing from Baby Jesse.
What are some possible community programs that can meet the basic needs for this child as well as the safety needs?
Baby Jesse can receive WIC that would help with the food aspect, also he can get help with CPS and DPSS these programs can help with a safe placement or even an emergency placement so that he will be in a safe environment and his needs will be met.
What developmental needs you anticipate may be lacking?
If he isn’t getting the proper nutrition he could end up with delayed learning or mental deficiencies. Nutrition is very important because he is a baby and he needs vitamins which is important for him to grow.
Are there any developmental delays you anticipate?
He may have delayed learning if he isn’t get the proper nutrition. Baby Jesse’s may be smiling for the first time, crawling and walking and maybe even saying words.
How can a referral to Regional Center help (google Regional Center and describe services)?
This referral will truly help this child he will qualify for certain services. We don’t know if he has any mental delays at this time he can get tested to see, early intervention services for at risk infants and their families. This baby is at risk of not be taken care of and we know his safety is in danger. The agency can seek out referral to help get other resources for this child planning, placement, and monitoring for 24-hour out-of-home care.
Do you as a therapist have hope for Jesse?
Yes I do have hope for my Client Jesse with the right support and the right family. I truly belief that if his needs get met and he overcome the issues faced he will make it. This process will be trying if he reaches the light at the end of the tunnel he will succeed. I want to make sure that he makes it.
Case Vignette #2
What might Jesse be searching for?
Jesse is searching to belong and he wants to be a part of a family and he wants to be loved and feel valued. He missed out on those things as a baby so it is affecting him now.
How might Jesse’s childhood and life circumstance be impacting his self esteem? Due to his father not being in his life can be upsetting to the child. His mother is prostituting herself and also is on drug. He never knew what is to be wanted or what love is. He never received it from both parents. The maslows hierarchy of needs were not met. So this has affected his self esteem.
Do you have hope for Jesse? If not, why? If not, what can help you to regain hope for him? Yes I have hope for Jesse if his placed in a home where his needs can be met and receive counseling. He has a chance to make it if he overcomes the issues he is facing.
What are some programs that can facilitate a sense of belonging for Jesse? He can join different social groups at school, play sports,get involved in community activities so that he can have a sense of belonging. Also having a mentor would really help him. Big brothers would be a great thing for him and also having a supportive foster family.
Case vignette #3
a. Which level of Bronfenbrenner’s theory is most applicable in this case scenario? It would be the Exosystem : Sandra is 12 yrs. old and is at home and is responsible for taking care of her little sister due to the father working long hours and her mother is depressed and she sleeps a lot.