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What Are the Various Stages at Which Complications Due to Rhinoplasty May Develop?

Essay by   •  February 18, 2019  •  Term Paper  •  366 Words (2 Pages)  •  729 Views

Essay Preview: What Are the Various Stages at Which Complications Due to Rhinoplasty May Develop?

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What are the various stages at which complications due to rhinoplasty may develop?        

Rettinger G. 2008. Risks and complications in rhinoplasty. GMS Curr Top in Otolaryngol- Head                

and Neck Surg. [accessed 2017 Feb 28]; 6: Doc08.

        The author’s apparent purpose in this article is to identify and expound on the various risks and complications that may be encountered as a result of rhinoplasty. The intended audience is rhinoplastic surgeons, otorhinolaryngologists and other medical personnel. In this article, published in a medical journal, the various complications that may occur as a result of rhinoplasty are presented based on the type of tissues that may be affected and whether the complications result in functional disturbances or aesthetic disruptions. In addition, the introduction of complications as a result of external factors such as bacteria, which may cause infections, is also examined. This source is relevant to the research question as it examines the various structures that may be damaged during rhinoplasty and how these damages may lead to complications at various stages of the operation and thereafter.

        The source is reliable and credible because the author is an otolaryngologist, an expert in the field of study. It was published by an annual medical journal of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, a very reliable and credible source since articles are carefully scrutinized before publication. Also, numerous in text citations and end references indicate research.

        The importance of audience and context is observed in the following paraphrases: ‘deep osteotomies may result in reduction of the airway at the “piriform aperture” ’ and, ‘the “orbital complications” such as a “laceration to the orbital sac” may lead to the development of “purulent dakryocytosis” ’. The discipline specific terminology, “purulent dakryocytosis” and “piriform aperture” provide specificity of the condition that may develop and describe the location of the opening, thus helping to prevent ambiguity, and is appropriate since the intended audience is medical professionals.  (280 words)



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