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What Does Christianity Effect On Western Culture?

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What Does Christianity Effect On Western Culture?

Christianity, which religion includes the largest numbers of people in the world, is originated from East while lots of people think it is just a big part of western culture. Every phase of man's life is touched by this religion, so much so that it has become part and parcel of Western culture. There is no doubt that Christianity influences Western Culture more than any other culture. It says that if people do not know about Christianity, they wouldn't know Western Culture.

1. Holy Bible

Bible, which is the basic scriptures of Christianity, is the best book, which influences western literature, outlook on life and value of people. It is a collection of religious writings comprising two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is about God, history and the oath between God and men, which was written in Hebrew. The New Testament is about Jesus Christ and doctrine of Him, which was written in Greek. The word "Testament" means " agreement ". Even till now, Bible is the most popular book from the beginning. In the history of human beings, there is no more book can ever compare with Bible that can influence mankind so much. Bible tells us that God created the universe, sun, earth, moon, stars, animals, and human. Adam and Eve, the first man and the first women in the world ate the fruit, which was forbidden. Human have deficits to God's glory. God drove them our of Eden. They started their hard life. During these times, the first murder happened. Lots of bad things occur afterworlds. God wanted to destroy everything, but Noah was a follower, God asked him to make an ark. And he lived. We are all sinners. It is not because we kill somebody or break the law but it is something from origin. Death is the punishment of our sins. Only if we believe the name of the son of God-Jesus who died for all human on the cross, we can have eternal life. This is the only way to lead us to Heaven, or we will go to the hell. Jesus Christ is the Only Lord and Savior. Bible also predicts the future of the world- Jesus Christ will come back, and there will be the end of the world.

2. The Influence of Western Culture

2.1 Literature

Language is a big part of culture. Take language as an example, we can see some English Idioms are originated from Bible. People are very familiar with " Eden", "Noah's ark", "Forbidden fruit", "Judas' kiss" and so on.

2.1.1 " Bear one's cross" is from Mark 8:34-35. Jesus told Peter: "If a man wishes to come after with me, he must deny his very self, take up his cross, and follow in my steps". He told his disciples that if they decided to follow Him, they would suffer and have pains in the world. So "bear one's cross" means bear burden or sorrow or pain or even lie down one's life for others.

2.1.2 " narrow gate" is from Matthew7: 13-14. Jesus said " Enter through the narrow gate. The gate that leads to damnation is wide, the road is clear, and many choose to travel it. But how narrow is the gate that leads to life, how rough the road, and how few there are who find it! " Therefore, narrow gate stands for the gate of eternal life and right way.

These are just a few examples and in the modern English, there are about 500 idioms from Bible. Also there are lots of proverbs from Bible.

2.1.3 " There is no greater love than this that a person can lay down his life for his friend". " The love of money is the root of all evil". " Man can't live by bread alone". "While we have the opportunity, let us do good to all men". "If a house is divided against itself, that house can't stand". "Pride goes before destruction". "You shall not steal, you shall not lie or speak falsely to one another". "Turn from evil, and do good; seek peace and follow after it".

These idioms and proverbs are always in English and they will never be old-fashioned. They rooted in English and enriched English.

2.2 Art and music

2.2.1 Art

Many people know about the picture "the last supper" which is also based on the Christianity. And it was before Judas betrayed on Jesus, Jesus already knew everything and he said: " One of you will betray me". He also gave a new commandment " You love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have loved one to another".

2.2.2 Music

There are lots of different kinds of music from Western countries. Now there is one kind- that is Christian music, which are all worshiping songs and Christmas songs and carols. The song just brings up the church and the sculpture in churches. Even there are not extremely famous sculptures but churches and the sculpture become a big part of Western Culture, which people can't often see in Eastern Countries.

2.3 Outlook on life

2.3.1 Human nature orientation

In Western Culture, it considers that every one is a sinner while in Chinese culture it says that every one is innocent and good in spirit. Because of this, in western countries, lots of people confess their sins and repent. It is true that people have selfishness, lust, cruelty and so on. These cause the bad things happening. Just see the things nowadays, many people cheat, lie, worship idols, watch porn movies, have sex before marriage and do bad things to others. Even the IDAS and other disease are kind of punishments from above. People think it is best to have a good life and get a good job while Christianity tells us the most important is God the Father and Jesus Christ the Only Lord and Savior. People judge others by appearance while Christianity tells us the inside is more important than appearance. Human have sins but it doesn't mean there is no cure. God sent his only son Jesus Christ to this world to tell the Words of Heaven. Just like what says in Luke11 if we ask, we will receive, if we search, we will get, if we knock, the door will be opened. Therefore, people still have chance to repent and to change the bad spirit. Some people say Christianity is the religion of love because it is very important for a Christian to love others no matter who they are, even the



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