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Whipple Squeeze This

Essay by   •  July 6, 2011  •  489 Words (2 Pages)  •  958 Views

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Hey Whipple Squeeze This

Some Advice on Presenting

Being in school and studying marketing means presentations are inevitable just as they are in the real world. Practicing presentation skills is imperative while you are in school so you do not look completely clueless upon entering the job market. Unfortunately, practicing in school makes for a lot of mistakes and presentations that will go horribly wrong. Sullivans advice on making presentations brought up some memories of my past presentations that went wrong.

Technology is not always on our side. During a presentation in my Business Communication class my power points slides would not open on the computer and I was left visual less. It is very important to make sure your audience or in advertisings case the client, has a visual to see. This way you do not stumble over your words or ask them to imagine something for themselves.

I have also made presentations on the spot with no preparation. In this case my thoughts were not properly organized and I went way over the allotted time to speak. If you go longer than you said you would your audience becomes bored. Or they may have made plans that your presentation is cutting into. In my case the class was over and everyone was trying to leave to go to their next class. My presentation was not something they wanted to stay and listen to after class. No preparation can also cause you to pre-ramble, which is another thing Sullivan says to stay away from. When you are too wordy in the beginning you are not grabbing attention for the rest of the presentation.

Eye contact is another thing that can make or break your presentation. Your audience is more likely to pay attention to you if you pay attention to them. One thing I have learned from making a presentation is that you must also focus your attention on more than one person. I



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