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Who Agrees With The Death Penalty

Essay by   •  December 8, 2011  •  3,769 Words (16 Pages)  •  1,621 Views

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. "There are five methods of execution used in the United States: lethal injection, electrocution, lethal gas, hanging, and firing squad. "The most commonly used methods today are lethal injection and the electric chair. If a person is lethally injected, he is first put to sleep with thiopental sodium, and then he is administered potassium chloride that will stop his heart. The criminal dies from anesthetic overdose and respiratory and cardiac arrest while he or she is unconscious. As for the electric chair, there is an initial jolt of 2,300 volts (9.5 amps) which lasts for eight seconds, followed by a low-voltage jolt of 1,000 volts (4 amps) for 22 seconds and finally a jolt of 2,300 volts (9.5 amps) for eight seconds. The murderer is rendered unconscious immediately, or within the first eight seconds at most, as the initial high-voltage jolt kills the brain. The subsequent jolts stop the heart in case it is still beating. Compare this to the heinous crimes of the murderer, where often the victim will go through excruciating pain for minutes, hours, or sometimes days. The minute amount of pain experienced by the murderer on death row does not even begin to compensate for the pain of the victims. (Again, the death penalty mars America's reputation 2011)".

In 1984, a young girl was kidnapped, raped, and murdered in Baltimore County, Maryland. A 23 year old man named Kirk Bloodsworth was arrested, and convicted for this un-godly act, and was sentenced to the death penalty. The verdict was based on several eye-witnesses and their testimony. The eye-witnesses were children between the ages of 9 thru 16.

On the day the little girl was murdered, a couple of hours later a man by the name of David Rehill signs himself in at a mental institution. When he spoke to the psychiatrist, he revealed that he was "in trouble with a little girl". He had fresh marks and scratches on his arms and face. A couple of days later police learn of Rehill and he looks like Bloodsworth. For some reason 6 months had went by before the police decided to check out Rehill, once they interviewed him, they never confirmed his alibi.

Now, after 2 years into his sentence, an appeal was granted, because of an error in the trial. At this time prosecutors know about Rehill, and have known for 2 years and continued to keep this information confined until 2 days before the new trial. Once the Lawyers learned of the new evidence, they did not have enough time to check it out, and being overwhelmed, being they and fairly new attorneys, they failed to request for a delay. Therefore the second jury never heard the new information, that being another person of interest to this crime. He then was convicted again in 1993, but DNA study showed different, that he could not of been the assailant, so he was acquitted. Look at this good, these actions taken against Bloodsworth were no just, nor were they fair.

There were many methods of execution. In todays society the methods are more humane, replacing those extreme and gruesome methods with lethal injections. In the medieval times if someone committed a crime their means of death was contingent to their social class. If they were of an honorable class, their execution would be simple and without pain, and often the attempt to execute would be unsuccessful. People of a lesser class, like porpors and peasants, would be put to death in a more humiliating manner. This would be a public event for all to see, the execution would be more like a hanging or decapitation of your head, or by the wheel. Now for special cases like witch craft, homosexuality, or atheism, that required a horrible death, to be burned to a stake as the people watched.

Today, a group of (what the judicial system considers your piers) ," jurors have to consider a host of relevant factors that could bear on whether he/she should be shown mercy or made to pay the ultimate penalty for his crimes (Death penalty can never be applied fairly 2008).".

When you are accused and convicted for a crime, any crime, and cannot prove your innocence, you are sentences to years behind bars or even death. Once your put to death, life is over for that individual, and the families of the victim to whom the criminal did harm, can have some sort of closure. Many of people have been falsely accused of a crime and sentenced to death, to find out later, they did not do the crime this is unfair, however what is done, is done. So is capital punishment worth that risk. I say NO, in today's society you do not go to jail, and executed for practicing witch craft, or stealing a piece of fruit or jem. There must be solid proof, and still that might not be enough, because it is so easy to frame somebody, especially when their innocent.

The state is Texas, "Michael Morton, who had served nearly 25 years of a life sentence for the murder of his wife, was released from a Texas prison. DNA tests had shown that another man was responsible for the crime (Again, the death penalty mars America's reputation 2011)".

There are 7 countries have the death penalty for children, that are criminals under 18 at the time of their crime. Almost all actual executions for kids crime take place in the United States, however, due to the dragged out procedure for appeals, no children under 19 have received the death penalty lately ("The Death Penalty: Morally Defensible?).. However the case of the 14 year old boy executed in 1944, in the state of South Carolina, it was obvious, this case was racially inhanced, this poor child was cohorsed into a confession

George Junius Stinney Jr.

Stinney mug shot

George Stinney was the youngest person ever to be executed in the United States by the judicial system.

In Clarendon, South Carolina, on a Saturday early afternoon March 23rd 1944, George Stinney and his sister Katherine were outside in their front yard, when 2 white girls (Betty June Brinnicker 11, and Mary Emma Thames 8) were riding by on their bikes. They stopped and asked Stinney and his sister Katherine if they knew where they could find a certain flower called "maypops". The next day the girls bodies were found in a muddy ditch. The girls had been badly beaten in the head. A couple of hours later after the bodies were discovered, Stinney was arrested. The arresting Sherriff, who did not care



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