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Why Aliens Exist

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Why Aliens Exist

University of Phoenix

Erick F. Martinez

SOC/ 315

Timothy Emerick, Ph.D.

April 12th, 2006

Aliens: ET's in Our Past?

In this report, our group will try to explain the possibility of why aliens exist. Many of the world's cultures and civilizations have had stories about fantastic beings from the sky that may have interacted with our ancient ancestors. These beings were regarded as Gods, magical creatures and myths. Where these ancients the archetypes of what we in the modern world consider the basis of our religious beliefs and myths or just advanced peoples from other worlds who visited our ancestors in the distant past and taught those pre history cultures the tenets of civilization, religion and technology?

Just as we have advanced our tenets of our civilization, what is to say that our modern beliefs and technologies were not show or given to us by these advanced beings in the distant past. According to Paul Von Ward, researcher and author of "Gods, Gene and Consciousness: The Case for Nonhuman Intervention throughout the Ages", believes that Advanced Beings not only taught us our civilization, but also mated with our ancestors to advance the development of our species. The idea that ancient beings interacted with early humans is reflected in the ancient world's tombs, religions and artifacts found in many parts of the world today.

Aliens: Mysteries and Clues and Wisdom

In today's world, humanity has many examples of possible aliens or advance beings influence on our species. According to the online article from ThothWeb called "Ancient Astronauts-The Search for the Truth", advance beings or aliens had many interactions with early humanity and there are remnants that have been found in tombs from Egypt to the jungles of South America. These clues such as the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs or the Sumerian cuneiform writings, all share a common story about beings from the sky, which were acknowledged as Gods.

These Gods described in all of these different cultures have not only the fact that they came from the sky in common, but that these ancients taught humanity about technology, religion, knowledge and wisdom. One of most acknowledged examples of an advanced people is the Sumerians. This ancient culture developed such advances as math and astronomy. The Sumerians' writing describes an elliptical orbit of a planet called Nibiru. It was described to have a 3,600 year orbit from which their Gods came from. NASA in modern times discovered a planet that they named Sedna that had the same orbit that the Sumerians talk about in their cuneiform writings over 3,000 years ago.

The advances that were shown to be possessed by the Sumerians were not only exclusive to their culture, but many other peoples such as the Aztecs, Maya, and Chanes also had example of modern technology in ancient times. The Indians had in their Vedic texts instructions on how a man could develop a "flying" machine and in a 1,000 year Colombian tomb, a gold model resembling a modern jet airplane was discovered in the late 1980's. These artifacts show that these cultures had a shared knowledge of flight and it is possible that the Gods or advance beings that visited them had the technology of flight and used it during their interactions with these peoples.

Technology was not the only influence the ancient astronauts gave to early humanity, but also wisdom and religion. The Egyptians, Aztecs and Maya and their legends, tell of how higher beings imparted the wisdom of the universe to mankind and what belief structures were placed into the civilization that the ancients visited. The ancient visitors all were thought to understand the origins of life in the universe and that they gave our predecessors stories on the creation of



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