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Why Be Moral

Essay by   •  October 9, 2010  •  1,327 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,440 Views

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The question "Why be moral?" is same as the question "Why should one or we or I be moral?"

As in the case of most of the philosophical questions, it is difficult to decide which answer is the most adequate one.

Unless we have some convincing reasons for being moral, there is no point in inquiring what morally good is and when

an act becomes morally right. Human beings are "rational animals", which means that they should conduct

themselves in a better way than animals . But people have varied range of opinions and interests . If we dont follow any

mannerisms whenever we come across any individual, we cannot live in harmony in the modern day society .

This is a major question in peoples life as we all know that being moral always involves self-denial. If I refuse to

take bribe in order to be moral, I forgo something which might have benefited me a lot. Thus fulfilling moral

obligations calls for sacrificing one's personal interests. Is there any justification at all for being moral at the cost

of one's interests? There are arguments for and against for this question .

Being moral is the result of a choice which is free from both external factors and internal factors.

The choice is non-arbitrary in the sense it ought to be and can be product of reflection regarding the reasons for being moral

The major reasons which support the statement that we should be moral are

1. It is divine command

2. Being moral leads to happiness

3. Being moral is in common interest

4. Being moral is being rational

It is divine command

We consider that god has commanded us to be moral.we love god and are grateful to him for our existence in this world.

So we follow moral principles.We should be moral because being moral is a divine command by obeying which I will be

rewarded and by disobeying which I will be punished in this life or future We should be moral as it is a divine command

which we should obey as our creator deserves our obedience. People have Faith in God, who according to them

is omnipotent and omnipresent . Almost every person in the world follows a particular Religion which lays a set

of guidelines as to how to live , how to conduct ourselves and path to a happy and healthy life . We have to just

get our ethics right and judge everything right . Our actions must be dependent on the current

situation, i.e if we are sure that we r right and we musnt blindly do whatever our religious scripts say .

Being moral leads to happiness

Being moral might result in a loss of some material benefits but it leads to happiness as we are free from any guilty feeling in

our minds. People with guilty feeling in their minds cannot lead a happy life. We would become more self-confident and that will help us

to concentrate better in watever we do . Being moral , not only means that we help others but also help ourselves to improve .

Morality helps us to to get a step closer to being a Ideal Human being . At the same time , if we are not moral ,

we go through a lot of stress and we lose the peace of our mind . We will lose self -respect and also respect of others and

that adds to additional frustration . So its always good to try being nice to everyone as much as possible and lead a respectful life.

Being moral is in common interest

This is in view of the philosophy of "Live and Let Live". This view holds that a group which obeys the rules is better than one where

nobody follows the rules.All the people of the society are benefitted if the people of the society are moral and righteous.

We have to perform our duties to our society with responsibilty . Moreover , people who are unethical are not accepted by society

and are either sent to prison or considered a disgrace to their community . For those who have realised their mistakes , there

are rehabilitation



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