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Why Does No Character Try to Cure Gregor?

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Euanda Duraj

Comparative Studies 1101


Why does no character try to cure Gregor?

The Metamorphosis is a book about one hardworking individual named Gregor. Gregor is the number one provider in his family which contains of his father mother and his sister, Grete. He is a salesman; a job he took up to provide for the family but himself does not enjoy. One day Gregor wakes up in a very strange situation where he is transformed into an insect. The book portrays Gregor as not too alarmed about the situation he is found in. The first thing he thinks of when he finds himself in such odd situation is the idea of how much he hates being a salesman and that he would quit if his parents and sister did not depend on him. As the story goes on Gregor does not seem to get much help from his family members considering the fact that he was the one that worked to provide for them.

        When Gregor first was found as an insect from his office manger trying to get him back to work not knowing the condition he is in, the office manager runs away and his father does not try to help Gregor else he takes him with a cane and rolled newspaper back to the bedroom. His sister is the only one making an effort into feeding him even though he avoids seeing her because he is scared he’ll frighten her. Given that Greg is not able to be part of the family conversations due to his condition while eavesdropping all he can hear is about how their financial situation is difficult now that Gregor can’t provide anymore. His mother avoids seeing Greg because his father thinks she’ll be too disturbed by his transformation but when she does, she faints and his father not knowing the situation throws and apple at Greg and that sinks in and remains lodged in his back. Gregor is put in a very odd and scary situation, he is randomly turned into an insect and his family members avoid being around him and the last thing they want to do after he is not able to provide for them anymore is offer him help. His father forced him into taking on a career he did not enjoy, his mother has no interest in helping him and his sister is disgusted by his transformation.

        Gregor is an insect with no help in a family that does not appreciate him nor tries to include him in the family now that he does no good to their financial needs. As time passes they have no interest in Greg and to fix their financial situation his father moves in renters into Gregors room to fix their financial situation. Once the renters see Gregor when moved in they get alarmed and are not accepting of him. Gregors sister Grete in the story says to her parents “In front of this monstrous creature I refuse to pronounce my brother’s name, and therefore I merely say: we have to get rid of it” by expressing such evil towards her brother that did nothing wrong but provided for the family and cared for them she wants nothing but to get rid of him after a transformation he did not wish upon himself. His family did not show any interest into curing Greg their main focus was to get rid of him as if he was a burden and his transformation into an insect was helpful to them to get rid of him. After Grete announced her plan to her family her father proceeded to say “She’s perfectly right”, the family wanted Gregor out of their lives. They had no interest nor did they want Gregor  as part of their lives even though he was their child and the number one supporter.



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