William Wordsworth And Matthew Arnold
Essay by 24 • December 18, 2010 • 1,787 Words (8 Pages) • 4,666 Views
Romantic and Victorian Eras in British Literature
The Romantic Period, which included the years 1798-1832, was an era revolting against the 18th century literary style. The time period was filled with poets who dramatically poured their beliefs into their writings and poetry such as William Wordsworth, a very notable Romantic poet during this time period. In stark contrast, the Victorian Period was a time during which poets wrote about the environment that surrounded them, and tended to have a pessimistic view of life. Matthew Arnold, a Victorian poet, encompassed many of these qualities in his writing. The two poets, distinguished in two completely different time periods with different characteristics, had some literary commonalities, such as similar references to nature, their faith in God, and highly descriptive verses, despite obvious differences ("English Literature", 6-7).
William Wordsworth was a prominent Romantic poet. One of the first events in his life to influence his writing style and content was the French Revolution. The French Revolution symbolized the rebellion against the aristocracy in France. During this era, British Literature was in rebellion against its own current dominating writing style- neoclassical. This particular writing style had a rigid structure, used ornate and dignified vocabulary, and was directed towards the upper class of England. Wordsworth went back to France for a second trip, but returned emotionally depressed. He had to leave a lover and a daughter because of international strife between England and France. The French Revolution sparked Wordsworth's hunt for his own philosophical quandaries. However, he did not agree with his research, and ultimately thought up his own philosophy, which, with the help of his Romantic style, was employed throughout his poems and writings (Legouis, 4). His sister, Dorothy, with whom he was reunited with after his trip to France, further influenced Wordsworth. Wordsworth's nautical references and ocean metaphors were strongly influenced by his brother, who was a sailor and died in a shipwreck. His work is largely characterized today by his oneness with nature and bringing about a new relationship between man and nature (Encyclopedia of Literature "William Wordsworth").
Wordsworth's "Ode: Imitation of Immortality" is an exceptional example of Romantic poetry (Wordsworth "Complete Poetical Works"). The first most obvious characteristic of the poem that depicts its Romanticism is its strong references to Earth's natural life. For example, he writes about "the birds [singing] a joyous song," "the young lambs," and how "all the earth is gay;/Land and sea/Give themselves up to jollity." This poem, in particular, is written with amorous words for nature, like "I only have relinquish'd one delight/ To live beneath your more habitual sway." Wordsworth was in awe by the power and magnificence of nature, specifically in the last stanza of the poem.
The poem also depicts Wordsworth's longing for the past beauty of life, which, during his lifetime, was slowly diminishing as a result of the Industrial Revolution. His despair is felt through his words: "The things which I have I can see no more." The ode, like most other Romantic poems, is full of imagery. Wordsworth uses imagery to share the beauty of nature with the reader. He especially helps the reader imagine the beauty of the sun in the lines "The clouds that gather round the setting sun/Do take a sober colouring from an eye" and in the beautifully written line, "Innocent brightness of a new-born Day." Wordsworth believed that love extended beyond nature and into families. Wordsworth's ode exemplifies such happiness in families in the lines "Fretted by sallies of his mother's kisses," and "With light upon him from his father's eyes."
Wordsworth also exemplified Romantic writing in his poem, " It is a beauteous evening, calm and free," a poem written for his daughter with whom he had recently been reunited (Wordsworth "Complete Poetical Works"). Unlike his ode, this poem is shorter and is a sonnet. Nonetheless, Wordsworth references the beauty of nature in "the broad sun/Tis sinking down in its tranquility," again referencing his favorite item in nature, the sun. In this poem, Wordsworth expresses his belief in divinity and religion. When writing, "thou liest in Abraham's bosom," Wordsworth is speaking to his daughter, who he believes is divine because she is a child. He also believed that God is always by his daughter, the idea that is made vividly ostensible in his line, "God being with thee when we know it not" (Skoool.ie "It is a Beauteous Evening, Calm and Free").
Matthew Arnold was a poet epitomizing the ideals of the Victorian Era (Encyclopedia of Literature "Matthew Arnold"). Most Victorian writers wrote about their faith in religion and their dislike for the rapid changing of their surroundings. Arnold had become religious as he grew older, and soon, it became the center of his life. His works constantly touch the subject of God. They were affected by the Industrial Revolution since they lived through the rapid change in society and technology. They also had a pessimistic view on their future. Victorian writers longed for former environments and used descriptive imagery in their writing, very much like Wordsworth and other Romantic writers ("English Literature," 7). Arnold was friends with Wordsworth, and admired his directness and ability to write. As a result, Arnold was able to describe nature similar to the way Wordsworth did (Honan, 39). Arnold was a school inspector for a long part of his career, and it is suggested that the hackneyed daily tasks is what fueled his melancholy poetry (Adams 424).
One of Matthew Arnold's most famous poems is "Dover Beach" because it can evoke many emotions, such as isolation, loneliness and fear (Blair et al. "Dover Beach"). Arnold's favorite metaphor, the sea and life, is used in this poem with sensory images to help portray feelings and emotions. Arnold used words like "calm," "tide is full," "the moon lies fair" to promote tranquil scenery in the beginning of his poem. Arnold explains how the waves have a "grating roar," and how they "fling," which is used as a metaphor to explain the tension in his life. He used words like "melancholy," "naked," and "drear" to indicate loneliness and despair. He urges, "Let us be true to one another!" Arnold was very anxious of his future, mostly because he felt it was