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Wizard Of Oz Analysis

Essay by   •  November 2, 2010  •  1,078 Words (5 Pages)  •  2,435 Views

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Wizard of Oz

Scene: This scene in the film comes just after the house has been picked up in the twister. Dorothy's house has been lifted up into the sky and suddenly dropped back down to earth in the middle of the Land of Oz. In the scene itself, Dorothy leaves her home to see that she is "Not in Kansas anymore," and finds the new and amazing world of the munchkin city in front of her. She also meets Gwendela the good witch as her journey in Oz begins.

Shot 1: Wide shot. View behind Dorothy in black and white. Dorothy opens the door to the color world of Oz. She steps out into Oz and stops. Straight on shot, camera moves into Oz first through the door, followed by Dorothy appearing again in the foreground. Light symphonies playing magical music, birds are singing in the background.

Shot 2: Close up. Dorothy views Oz and looks around, hugs Toto, walks out of shot. Angle straight on; no camera movement. Sound is still melodious, light nature sounds ambient.

Shot 3: Long shot. View across Munchkin City. Starting Center frame, Dorothy gazes around all of Munchkin City, walks around about ten steps. Camera pans slowly right, rising higher and higher seeing all of Oz. No zooming in just panning. Turning left to find the center of the city and Dorothy as she re-enters the frame. Music in now more aw inspiring, heavenly, angelic like, nature sounds still present.

Shot 4: Wide shot. Dorothy walks into center of the shot carrying Toto. Looks around in amazement. While back in turned, munchkins appear by popping their heads up out of the flowers to see her for the first time. They then hide again as she turns back around to face the camera. Straight on shot, no movement, sounds is still constant.

Shot 5: Medium close up. Dorothy thinks she is over the rainbow, gazes up to the sky. No movement, sounds still remains constant.

Shot 6: Wide shot. Dorothy is in the center of the frame with Toto in her arms. Puts Toto down as a mysterious glowing orb far in the distance slowly hovers down, getting larger in size as it approaches. Dorothy backs up out of the frame as the orb takes up the entire shot. Gwendela the good witch appears instantly. Straight on shot, no camera movement. Music is more haunting, eerie, and mysterious to represent the orb floating down.

Shot 7: Close up. Dorothy scared, nervous, and confused by this person. Tight head shot. Straight on camera shot, no movement. Music still constant.

Shot 8: Wide shot. Good witch Gwendela walks toward Dorothy to talk to her. From right to left she goes toward Dorothy. Camera is straight on, and then follows Gwendela to Dorothy, then makes a close up on the two of them for a close, but not too tight two shot. No sound heard at all other than their dialogue.


I thought that what was most interesting about the scene was how the director introduced us the viewer to the world of Oz. This is a very important scene in the movie because it is the first time we are seeing this magical place. It is important that we as the viewer find it to be just as amazing and awe inspiring as Dorothy does when she walks into it for the first time. We are supposed to identify with Dorothy here as she walks out of her home and into Munchkin city to see this new world she has fallen into. It is big, new, different, and unlike anything she has ever



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