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Essay by   •  May 8, 2011  •  2,240 Words (9 Pages)  •  1,525 Views

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In competitive consumer markets building and maintaining a good relationship with

customer is essential for longterm business survival. Currently, firms are applying

customer relationship management to facilitate the maintenance of these relationships.

A lack of coordination between functions complex organizational structure that obscure

accountability, and so on. To over come such obstacles, managers must fundamentally

rethink how work gets done. Leaders must weave and merge their webs with good care

-encouraging iterative conversation and making sure commitments are fulfilled (Donald

N Snull, Charles Bpinosa April 2007; page 78).

Smith and Falmouth Company Formal structure

Smith and Falmouth is a midsized tele shopping and mail order network with

operations in the U.S and Canada. Smith and Falmouth Company is the good example

of span of control with tall type of organization structure. Span of control type refers to

the number of people directly reporting to the next level in the hierarchy (McShane and

Von Gilnow 2005; pg 451). Smith and Falmouth Company has two teams, logistic and

web development team. Both the teams are reporting to the managers and all the

managers reporting to COO. COO will be reporting the progress to the CEO. The socio

gram of Smith and Falmouth Company is good example for formal hierarchy.

Regional health information is good example of network structure. Regional health

organization have three different networks, are Federation, co-op and hybrid.

Federation of RHIO may develop a system of indexing and /or locating data. Co-ops

comprises multiple enterprises that agree to share resources and create a central

utility. Co-op RHIOS usually represent smaller enterprises that pool resources; build a

combined, common data repositioning and share technology and administrative

overhead. Hybrid model allows aggregation within and across healthcare organizations

in large regional areas such as statewide initiatives or multi state regions.

U.S Environmental protection agency is also good example of matrix structure.

Matrix structure is type of departmentalization that overlays two organizational forms in

order to leverage the benefits of both ( McShane & Von Gilnow 2005;pg 459). EPA has

many different departments like financial, international affairs, environmental

information, research and development, emergency response, and toxic substances.

Here every department is reporting to their administrators and all the administrators

reporting to the director of EPA. Residential and dining enterprises are good example

of flat organizational structure. The residential and dining enterprises has a higher

administrator and eight different section of employees working under administrator.

Informal Structure

Managers should focus less on personality and more on the behavior of people

Who winds up at the carter of networks. The doctor nurse relationship in the operating

room is the good example of informal culture and formal culture. According to Anika

Reynolds and Stephan Timmons: it appears that as time goes on nurses are gaining

more respect, power and autonomy. However, nurses are still playing catch-up and do

not have the same power that doctors have. Operating rooms are very different from

the ward setting. In that room, all the staffs have more informal communication and

culture than ward settings. If the patients are sedated and not aware of environment

situations, the medical staffs have more freedom in that environment.

Small and simple structures tend to foster entrepreneur leadership and informal

interaction that allow for the rapid decision making and rich communication required to

facilitate innovative production ( Peterson & Berger 1971). Although the production

system profoundly influences culture, the conditions of production do not alone shape

culture because other factors including individual creativity (Denora 1995), social

conditions ( Liebes & katz 1990), and as liberson (2000) has shown regular

endogenous variations in taste are vitally important. Kauffman (2004) also suggests a



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