: A Survey Of Public Opinion Of Gun Policy In Wisconsin
Essay by 24 • March 2, 2011 • 1,654 Words (7 Pages) • 1,829 Views
Aiming for Safety: A survey of Public Opinion of Gun Policy in Wisconsin
In general, this study searches for the contrast men and women's view on gun control. The main, important research question asked is why guns are killing so many children? There is not any posted theoretical framework. However, the key concept of discussion is childhood violence. The topic of childhood violence is expressed in many types such as: witnesses of domestic and community violence, victims of sexual and physical abuse, or victims in interpersonal or attempted suicide. The hypothesis stated in this article is that handguns in homes deter violence. This hypothesis is clearly stated. The independent variable in this journal is gender. The dependent variables are support of gun control and violence. The control variable is children. All of these variables are measured by surveys. These surveys were instrumented in the previous 5 years 1996-2001 and published results. The results found that handgun violence mostly took place in environments of gangs and drug abuse. The other factors that were presented included: improper handgun storage, lack of training in use of handguns, media, and domestic violence. Amongst the people whom took part in these surveys believe that violence is not progressively worsening because of particular neighborhoods. However, violence is still revealed to have a huge effect of the children. The hypothesis, handguns in homes deter violence, is not shown to be supported by the surveys that were demonstrated. The population of gun ownership was at 50% and 26% of the guns owned were handguns. However, the amount of gun ownerships did not seem to make a difference because violence still was in effect.
Rethinking the Political Participation Paradigm: The Case of Women and Gun Control
In August 1999, after a shooting towards a Jewish Community Center by a white supremacist, several hundred women, mostly middle-aged, middle American mothers set to organize the largest demonstration ever to stricter firearms laws called the Million Mom March. This article seeks to discover women's attitudes on gun control. The chief research question that was present is how to arrange gun control in a way to protect individuals that will reinforce political participation and social roles? There is another occurrence of no theoretical framework. However, the key concept of discussion is "reframing issues." For illustration, reframing political issues to resonate with social roles and responsibilities, such as reframing gun control as a child protection issue legitimizes participation by women. The hypothesis stated that the more amount of people that make these frames more personal the more successful they will be and more people will participate. This hypothesis was clearly stated. The independent variables were gender and political participation. The dependent variable was gun control. The control variable was children. These variables are all part of a study, which measured them on an individual basis and produced the results. The study was demonstrated through large-scale surveys. These surveys ask random samples of citizens about the political activities they have completed within the past one to five years. The activities stated in the survey to be completed are: voting, volunteering for a political campaign, serving on the board of a voluntary association, and so forth. The hypothesis of the more total people that make these frames more personal the more successful they will be and more people will participate was shown to be supported. The women's march was on its way to creating stricter rules for gun control.
Gun Control in Alberta: Explaining Public Attitudes Concerning Legislative Change
In general this article seeks to explain the public's attitudes on gun control. The issue of concern was the public desire for stricter gun laws in Canada. There was some theoretical framework present. The two main perspectives which have influenced research on public preferences for criminal justice penalties and policies: socio-political values and public support of reduction in crime. The first claims that socio-political values and beliefs, in regards of the causes of crime, are significant in determining public attitudes about crime control policy. The second perspective implements an instrumental advance to explaining public support for crime control policy. Individuals maintain particular crime control policies because they consider these will contribute to a reduction in crime. There were numerous hypotheses made concerning instrumental and ideological explanations of support for universal registration of firearms, which were clearly stated. The independent variable is the public people. The dependent variable is gun law. The control variable was legislation. These variables were measured by being tested with controls for characteristics of the respondents. The research uses facts from a telephone survey of adult residents from the Province of Alberta. The telephone survey was presented in order to test hypotheses concerning instrumental and ideological explanations of support for universal registration of firearms. The results are mainly supportive of the liberal perspective: respondents who believe gun control is effective at crime control are more likely to support universal registrations. Some statistics found were: majorities whom once favored universal registration have dropped in percentages from 83% to 64%.
A Year after Columbine: Public Looks to Parents for more than schools to prevent violence
In general this is a study to find out how the parents' attitudes are after a school shooting by teenagers. The main question asked is what can parents do to prevent another school shooting? There were no theoretical frameworks. The key concept of this article was parental responsibility of their children. The hypothesis in this article is concluding that parents are at most responsible for their children. The independent variable is parental responsibility. The dependent variable is children's and/or students' behavior. These variables were measured in a survey that