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Aflac Supplemental Insurance

Essay by   •  April 15, 2011  •  664 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,060 Views

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When it comes to employee benefits health insurance is a main concern for most American's with the rising costs of healthcare. One way to help with co-pays and deductibles is to purchase an additional insurance policy, which would supplement the costs that your regular health insurance does not pay. AFLAC is a great supplemental insurance for most people because it offers a wide range of services to its clients. With the rising costs of healthcare, many Americans find themselves in desperation to make ends meet. People are forced to make decisions whether or not to purchase medication that they need or to buy food. I recently had to make a similar choice, when I had a heart attack on January 1, 2005, I was living in an apartment downtown, and making enough to cover expenses, however after I had my heart attack I had a great deal of medical bills to pay, as well as trying different medications to get my cholesterol, and blood pressure into check. By April 2005, I was forced to make the choice of moving into a friend's home, where I could get back on my feet financially. I was lucky enough to have that luxury, although many people do not, and have to face constant harassment by bill collector's, and so they eventually turn to bankruptcy as a way out of their financial troubles. Since I was re-establishing my credit, I did not want to ruin the good things that I had done to improve my credit score. Back in 2001, I had to file a medical bankruptcy because of tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills that I owed for numerous surgeries that I have had to have over the past ten years.

When my father passed away with cancer in 2001, he had an AFLAC policy which really helped my mother financially. She had to take time off from work to spend with him, and so it helped with her lost wages. If it would not have been for the extra income that AFLAC pays out to its claimants my mother would have been in worse financial shape and been forced to deal with even more hardships. My father had a Union position with the School District in Danville, and my mother works at a job where she makes minimum wage and has been there for the past 30 years.



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