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Animal Rights

Essay by   •  July 7, 2011  •  1,128 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,213 Views

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It is possible to commit an immoral act against a non-human animals. In order to commit an immoral act against a non-human animal, one must define the word morality. According to the definition it means conformity to the rules of right conduct,. On the other hand immorality means wickedness or evil (random house dictionary). So in reflection a wicked or an evil act against an animal is an immoral act also. I believe that it is possible to commit an immoral act against an animal because they are creatures just like us. They feel pain and emotions just like us humans. When someone violates our rights, we get hurt which often results in some kind of action. But animals are helpless, they can't take any action because they are less intelligent then humans. However I do believe that humans are the supreme beings on this planet and that we are on the highest evolutionary scale, but still that does not give us the right to commit wrong acts to the animals. Some of the wrong or immoral acts that I strongly oppose to are animal experimentation, entertainment involving animals, hunting and finally habitat destruction. Animal experimentation is unethical due to the suffering and death on animals in the laboratory and that they have a right to be free from such exploitation. Vivisection is the practice of experimenting on animals which started due to the religious prohibitions on human dissection. When religious leaders finally lifted these prohibitions, it was too late, vivisection was already entrenched in medical and educational institutions (internet). The author of the article on animal experimentation is unethical also opposes vivisection because he believes that is morally wrong, cruel & fruitless. He also believes that they are characterized by scientific limitations, the most important of all the difficulty of transferring results to human beings with any degree of reliability (Bender 55). There are many reasons to oppose vivisection for example the enormous physiological variations among rats, rabbits, dogs, pigs, and human beings. An experiment in 1989 was performed to determine the carcinogenicity of fluoride proved this fact (internet). Approximately 520 rats and 520 mice were given daily doses of the mineral for 2 years. Not one mouse was adversely affected by the fluoride, but the rats experienced health problems . As test data cannot be accurately transferred from a mouse to a rat, it cannot be argued that data transferred from either species to a human (internet). Some other reasons to oppose vivisection is the deliberate infliction of burns on animals, and research in psychology. In a study, guinea pigs were for 3 seconds in 100 degrees Celsius water (Bender 56). How would you feel if somebody immersed you for 1 second in hot boiling water? Would you feel any pain? In psychology research, countless animals have been surgically dismembered, drugged, starved, fatigued, frozen, electrically shocked, infected, cross-bred, maddened, and killed in the belief that their behavior would shed light on human behavior (Bender 57). These things mentioned are morally wrong because they are evil in nature. As evil in nature as animal experimentation sounds, so is the entertainment business involving animals. I believe that animal circus is perhaps the most cruelest entertainment of all because the way animals are treated. I don't understand what kind of charm or fun people get out of watching animals do humanly acts. Why do we want animals to be more like us when they are perfectly fine being themselves? When we watch the circus, we only see what goes on in front of us, but what goes behind the scenes is a completely different story. Some animals are beaten to perform better, they are chained to iron poles so they won't run away. These animals are wild, and they need their space, and if they don't get their space, these animals react in a negative way. We often see on T.V. elephants running on the streets if kept under confinement because animals like



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