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University of Missouri - Columbia

Application for Admission to

The Intensive English Program

at the University of Missouri - Columbia

This is an application for admission to the Intensive English Program (IEP) for English language training only. It is not an application for admission to an academic program at the University of Missouri-Columbia and does not imply present or future admission to one at MU.

You can complete the application form now and submit it and the $50.00 prepayment on line. You must have a credit card to pay the $50.00 prepayment on line. If you do not want to pay the $50.00 prepayment by credit card, you can complete this application form on line now, print it with the information you have entered, and fax or mail the completed form later. (After you print out the completed application, please return to the Application Process webpage for more instructions on how to apply.)

Note if you are a resident of the state of Missouri DO NOT USE this form. (In general, to qualify as a resident of Missouri for the purpose of paying in-state fees, a person must be a permanent resident of the US or a US citizen and have been a resident of Missouri for at least 12 months. The IEP's instructional and other fees are lower for Missouri residents. If you think you may be a resident of Missouri, please contact the IEP office by phone at 573-882-7523 or by email at

Indicate the session for which you are applying for admission: (Please note that mid-semester admissions are possible only if we have an available space in the program for a student. We will not know how many students we can accept for the second half of a fall or winter session until after registration day for the 16-week fall or winter session. For more information about mid-semester admission, see the "Dates and Cost" section of "About the IEP" on this website.)

Session Instructional Fees and Other

Fees for Non-residents of Missouri

Fall 2006 (August 17 to December 15, 2006)

Fall 2006 mid-semester admission (October 12 to December 15, 2006)

Winter 2007 (January 11 to May 11, 2007)

Winter 2007 mid-semester admission (March 8 to May 11, 2007)

Summer 2007 (June 11 to August 3, 2007)

$4,650.00 *

$2,600.00 *

$4,650.00 *

$2,600.00 *

$2,600.00 *

*Fees subject to change

Name (If you have a passport, be sure that your name and birthday are exactly the same as they are on the passport.)

Last (family) First Middle

Date of Birth

Month Day Year in four digits, e.g. 2002.

Mailing Address (For I-20)

Street Address:



Postal code (ZIP):


Address in Home Country

Street Address:



Postal code (ZIP):


Country of Birth Country of Citizenship


(optional if the coutnry of citizenship is the U.S.A.) Marital Status

(optional if the coutnry of citizenship is the U.S.A.)

Male Female

Single Married

Phone number in home country Current phone number

Fax Number Email Address

Most recent college or university you have attended

Name of Institution Location

Degree Received Dates Attended

Have you been accepted to an academic program at MU or another university conditional on passing TOEFL?

Yes No

If yes, name of institution Location

Have you taken the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)?

Yes No

If yes, date score

If you are in the United States now, which type of Visa do you have?

F-1 F-2 J-1 J-2 B-1 B-2 Other

If other, please provide visa type




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