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Business Research Problem/Opportunity Analysis

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Business, Business Analysis

Year 3

Business Research Problem/Opportunity Analysis


This is a research project, which I can help locate some relevant information to further research and to apply the potential business questions to the Management Research Question Hierarchy. I also uploaded an article to use as an exemplar for application of the business research princples.

Let's take a closer look.

Business Research Problem/Opportunity Analysis

Examine a business problem/opportunity confronting a healthcare organization that could be addressed through the application of business research principles by performing the following:

Ð'* Create a problem/opportunity statement.

Ð'* Develop constructs of the problem/opportunity

Ð'* Develop an operational definition from the constructs

Ð'* Identify the unit of measure within each of the constructs.

Ð'* Outline the business research process for addressing or finding a solution to your selected problem/opportunity by using the Management Research Question Hierarchy.


Bid Credits: 5 Deadline: May 31, 2006, 3:54 pm EDT

"The research question should drive the methodology... How often do we do the opposite? We take as a given whatever methodology we are comfortable with or skilled in using and then adjust our research questions to fit. And how many opportunities for learning we let pass by doing that" - J. Richard Hackman (1992)

1. Problem: Medical Errors & Patient Safety

The very critical issues of medical errors and patient safety have received a great deal of attention. In November 2000, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released a report estimating that as many as 98,000 patients die as the result of medical errors in hospitals each year. A major Federal initiative has been launched to reduce medical errors and improve patient safety in federally funded health care programs, and by example and partnership, in the private sector.


There is a need to reduce medical errors and improve patient safety in health care programs, by example and partnership, in the private sector.

2. Develop an operational definition from the constructs

This is asking you to define the main constructs. How can we operationally define medical errors? E.g., the number of reported false positives or false negatives for testing, the total number of reported false diagnosis, the total number of incorrect surgery procedures, the total number of issuing the wrong medications, etc.

Patient safety might be operationally defined as the total number of reported injuries due to staff negligence, such as falls due to no guard rails in the bathroom for example; the total wait time required for testing for a life threatening illness, etc.

Quality improvement measure is operationally defined as the improvements that lead to patient safety.

3.Identify the unit of measure within each of the constructs.

Medical errors might be measures through the number of patient complaints or malpractice suits against the hospital.

Patient safety measures might be measured through patient and employees surveys using both outcome and process questions e.g., during your last stay in the hospital, how would you rate your overall care? (Process) How many reported patient injuries were reported in the last month on your shift? Was it the fault of the hospital environment? (Outcome)

4. Outline the business research process for addressing or finding a solution to your selected problem/opportunity by using the Management Research Question Hierarchy.

This question asks you to outline a business research process, which has started in the first three questions (problem statement, defining the concepts, operationalizing the constructs in objective measurable terms). Now you would need to decide how you would collect your data (e.g., surveys, interviews, looking at past reprimand reports, etc.), data analysis (e.g., descriptive stats, trend analysis, quantitative statistics, such as the ANOVA, t-test; record and interpret results.

You will have to use the Management Research Question Hierarchy from your course material. I have not been able to locate any specifics on this particular model. Generally, the above-suggested healthcare problem illustrates the application of research techniques to business decision-making, including healthcare as a business. It uses the scientific method to define research problems, design a research project, and to collect, analyze, record and interpret data. Techniques and procedures of writing a formal report would be applied as well.

To further understand the process, I uploaded an excellent article below, which clearly demonstrates the steps in the process. Although it is a business example, it is the research process that we need to pay attention to, as it is the same for healthcare problems as well.


Example: Article

Paper 6: Shankar Sankaran (2001)

Methodology for an organizational action research thesis


The thematic concern for my thesis was 'How to improve the practice of learning by local managers in my organisation using the opportunities arising at the work place?'

My primary research question was:

'Will developing 'conscious learning' among managers make them more effective managers?'

My secondary research questions were:



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