Care Plan: Review Pnur105 Lab
Essay by yomyom • October 18, 2015 • Study Guide • 291 Words (2 Pages) • 1,206 Views
Review PNUR105 Lab (Learning Objective #6)
- These are things that you should be practicing in your lab classes
**remind your lab teacher that this is testable content in PNUR104
Body Mechanics – lifting, moving, pulling, pushing, pivoting (pg. 1164 – 1167)
Support Devices (pg. 1169 Box 39.2)
Positioning – 6 positions with pillows (pg. 1168-1172 – note pictures)
Moving & Turning & Transferring Patients (pg. 1172-1185)
Exercises – for isometric, isotonic, isokinetic (pg. 1185)
ROM – active & passive with examples for both (pg. 1185-1187)
Ambulating (pg. 1186 & Pre-Ambulatory Exercises (pg. 1186)
Controlling Orthostatic Hypotension (pg. 1190)
Use of Canes (pg. 1190-1191)
Use of Walkers (pg. 1190-1192)
Use of Crutches (pg. 1192-1197 (Measuring & Gaits)
What would be some Nursing Orders for the following?
Teaching ROM (pg. 1185-1187)
Preventing Back Injury (pg. 1167-1168)
Body Mechanics (pg. 1164-1167)
Positioning with Use of Pillows (pg. 1168-1172)
Preventing Postural Hypotension (pg. 1190)
Use of Canes, Walkers & Crutches (pg. 1190-1197)
Use the following for developing Goals/Expected Outcomes and Nursing Orders:
1. How to teach isometric exercises for “muscle setting” of the arms & legs.
2. How