Career Counseling Program for Individuals Have Fallen Victim to an Unhealthy Lifestyle of Obesity and Depression - Supplemental Intervention
Essay by smszoke • March 3, 2017 • Presentation or Speech • 2,839 Words (12 Pages) • 1,375 Views
Essay Preview: Career Counseling Program for Individuals Have Fallen Victim to an Unhealthy Lifestyle of Obesity and Depression - Supplemental Intervention
Career Counseling Program for Individuals Have Fallen Victim to an Unhealthy Lifestyle of Obesity and Depression:
Supplemental Intervention
The following career counseling program is designed for people suffering from obesity and low self-esteem with symptoms of depression on the rise. Various levels of obesity and depression may begin to surface or be the effect of changes within their personal life and professional career. Because obesity is one our nation’s fastest growing and most debilitating health problems, the affects can become life altering and hopeless.
There is a strong connection linking obesity with depression and how either can be the trigger to influence the other. A common misconception is that obesity is caused by genetic factors and/or the choice an individual makes to live an unhealthy lifestyle with little to no physical activity and excessive overeating. People who have a difficult time dealing with their emotions from the extreme feelings of sadness, as with losing a loved one; to those overwhelming feelings caused by stress and anxiety when unexpected changes occur, as with their feeling towards their career or the financial strain with losing their job. These emotionally draining events could have a debilitating effect on a person who, as a result, may unknowingly find relief or comfort in eating more and more of the wrong foods and dismissing the idea of physical activity for prolonged periods of time and find themselves at a level of obesity as a result. If they are ultimately unaware of the emotions which are causing them to overeat and become unmotivated to do anything physical they may be falling further into a state of depression. This overload of unmanageable emotional stress will have such a negative impact on a person’s thoughts and feelings of self-worth, ultimately creating mindset where ability to change seems unfathomable.
The goal of this program is to provide the tools, support, and guidance to those individuals who have reached a level of obesity that has negatively impacted their lives at a physical, medical and psychological standpoint. It is designed as an introductory program with an educational focus on developing a healthy lifestyle and redefining self- worth within their personal and professional lives.
- Advertise the 12-week program through social media, local newspapers, and by word of mouth to those suffering from an overweight or obese lifestyle in which other areas of their life have been impacted.
- Orientations will be offered at different times over a two-week timeframe to introduce the program to those who are looking to make a change.
- Clients contact information will be entered into the database and updated every 6 weeks.
- A typed and detailed personal statement is required once admitted into the program and again upon program completion.
- In addition to basic contact information, copies of their completed Anxiety and Depression Assessments, Strong Interest Inventory and MMPI Result Profiles will be submitted for review. The analysis of both the Assessments and weekly submissions will be reviewed and discussed in detail between the client and their coach during week 7.
- Upon completion of the program, contact with the client is to be made every 2 months for one year unless the client requests to be removed from the database.
- Office Assistant- minimum of 18 years old, must have experience or knowledge using email, social media sites, and program database
- Coaches- a minimum of a Bachelor of Science degree and holds a current Personal Training Certification. ACSM and CSCS Certifications are preferred.
- Group Counselors- A minimum of a master’s degree in psychology, mental health counseling, social work with experience or knowledge in one or multiple areas including eating disorders, obesity, anxiety/depression, and career counseling.
- Supervisor- A minimum of a master’s degree and license in mental health counseling or social work – LPC, LCSW, PsyD, Psychologist.
- Director – A doctorate degree with license to practice and holds a supervisory certification required.
- All staff will be CPR and AED Certified
- Must have experience with eating disorders and/or depression at a personal or professional level.
- Must have experience or knowledge with program database, email, and social media. All hired staff will receive an email address and asked to friend, follow and be active on all social media accounts.
- Knowledge of the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator and the Strong Type Indicator Assessments is preferred. All staff will be trained to administer and discuss the results of these test assessments.
- Compile a list of local businesses, organizations, and employment facilities to have on the database with personal contacts for both staff and client purposes.
- Prepare a binder, easily accessible to clients of the programs contact list for employment opportunities throughout the area.
- Compile a library of support, motivational, self-help, and career based books, literature, articles and material for clients to access both in person at the facility or online while at home. Specify what material can only be accessed in our facility and what can be accessed anywhere the internet is available.
- Update all social media sites daily and send motivational literature, quotes, and support to clients as deemed necessary by program staff.
- Post and update a monthly calendar – large enough and in a location impossible to miss while entering and exiting the facility doors. Calendar will be color coded between additional program activities as well as those available throughout the local and surrounding areas. Any updates or changes to the activities listed on the calendar will be available to both clients and staff via social media and email.
- Encourage clients to attend any additional activities listed on the calendar offered either on site or within the community too not only show the support but for the exercise, socialization, networking possibilities, and the overall experience.
- Find local salons and massage therapy businesses that offer specials or discounted services and promote any special offers with literature to support both parties.
- Send special offers, discounted services, and literature both in and surrounding the program to clients via the program website, email notification and through the Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts.
- Provide immediate feedback to all companies, organizations, support services to those who participate with a certificate of appreciation and personalized letter from the program staff member involved.
- Parking lot with a minimum of 20 parking spaces
- Front entrance area accessible to the public with an area for displaying general program information, inquiry forms, support program brochures and literature, and a caulk board for local businesses or organizations to post information as deemed appropriate.
- Installed security measures to enter the Lobby. *Finger-touch technology system, swipe card system, or a similar system to ensure the safety of staff and clients.
- An intercom system with security camera installed inside front entrance to be granted access into the Lobby area.
- Facility must have a layout conducive for a lobby, a Client Resource Room, exercise training area, 2 locker/changing rooms, a Group Counseling Room, and at least 4 private offices for our staff.
- Lobby area with a desk, computer, phone, intercom camera and access allowance for front entrance requests, and an area for a large white board calendar visible upon entering and exiting the main lobby.
- A vending machine to purchase water will be available in the Lobby and in each of the restrooms/changing rooms.
- Emergency supply kits are to be accessible in the exercise training room and lobby.
- Sign in room, with 2 iPads with a fingerprint software technology system for clients to login (ie- BIO-key) which will automatically sync to database. Also contains a scale and white board visible with client first names and weekly weigh in’s to promote positivity on progress or awareness of struggling clients who are being held accountable.
- A Client Resource Room with desks, computers, and office supplies serving as their “Library and Support Services” -also accessible by a link to log in through program website. There should also be books and literature on health, nutrition, motivation, and mindset; specified to the areas of self-help, career, mental health, and anything additional found for promoting positive lifestyles.
- The area for training will need to be a minimum of 10,000 square feet to comfortably store the equipment and maximum number of clients on a given day.
- Within the training area will consist of equipment including: Treadmills, Concept 2 Row machines, Kettle bells of various weights, Resistant Bands, Battle Ropes, Boxes, Jump Ropes, Slam Balls, TRX Suspension Trainers attached to a Pull-Up Rig, etc.
- The training room will have a whiteboard for workouts of the day to be posted and motivational posters throughout the entire facility.
- Two Restroom/Changing rooms, one per gender, with cubbies for personal storage. *Showers are an option but not required.
- Group Counseling Room – to fit a maximum of 20 folding chairs
- 4 Private Offices- Director, Supervisor, Coaches (to be shared), and an office for appointments, one on one sessions or as needed.
- Each office will be furnished with general office furniture and filing cabinets, telephones, and a computer, unless specified by Director or Supervisor
- The facility and parking lot will be well lit with spotlights in addition to any lighting available on site. All additional lighting will be set on a daily timer prior to sundown and adjusted accordingly throughout the year.
- The facility will have a clear visible sign at the parking lot entrance and front entrance of building. Signs will have spot lights on timers for night time visibility.
- The entrance door and area will be open to public during business hours to obtain general information but not able to access lobby without granted permission.
- Installed security systems personalized for staff and clients and a camera based intercom systems installed for identification and purpose for admittance in order to access the main lobby.
- The Facility will have security cameras along the exterior of the building, in the entrance area and through the intercom system.
- An alarm system installed and set on all of the windows and doors.
- All security measures for entering the facility will be locked with the activation of the alarm system.
- Only at specified times when informational orientations are scheduled will the facility be open to the public.
- Anyone other than staff members or program clients must have a scheduled appointment or approved reason to access the facilities through an intercom system and enter the building.
Implementation & Services
Facility Hours of Operation: