Essay by 24 • July 18, 2010 • 3,276 Words (14 Pages) • 1,857 Views
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First 1500 characters of Cats:
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Length: 386 words (1.1 double-spaced pages)
Rating: Orange
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Topic: Cats
General Purpose/Goal: To inform
Specific Purpose/Goal: I want my audience to understand three interesting things about
Thesis Statement: Three interesting things to know about cats are their intelligence,
tail signals and that they are territorial animals.
I. Attention Getter: you see them every where you look, sometimes out playing or other times in a house.
II. Preview Statement: I am going to share three areas of information about cats.
A. Cats are very intelligent animals.
B. Cats give off tail signals.
C. Cats are territorial animals.
III. Credibility Statement: I have been a cat owner for nineteen years. I have hand raised and trained my two cats since they were kittens.
IV. Relevancy Statement: Most people at one point in his or her life will probably have the opportunity to see and interact with a cat.
TRANSITION: Now that I have you thinking about cats, let me tell you about their
I. Cats are very intelligent animals.
A. Cats are capable of forming attachments to people and communicating their wants and
B. Cats are capable of instinctual thought.
TRANSITION: Now that you know how intelligent cats are, lets talk about their tail signals.
II. Cats give off different tail signals indicating their mood.
A. If a cat's tail is raised slightly and softly curved the cat is interested in something.
B. If a cat's tail is held still, but the tip is twitching the cat is irritated.
TRANSITION: Now that you know some d... [to view the full essay now, purchase below]
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