Cf Glue: Made from Cigarette Filters
Essay by ellen25 • August 22, 2017 • Research Paper • 955 Words (4 Pages) • 9,757 Views
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CF Glue: Made from Cigarette Filters
Background of the Study
Historically, glue only refers to protein colloids prepared from animal tissues. Glue is essentially collagen, a protein derived from the skin, bones and connective tissues of cattle and is an important by product of the meat packing industry. Although there are many ingredients used to make glue most formulas contain something called polymers which its nature is sticky.
Cigarette filter also known as cigarette butts. It contain hazardous chemicals like cadinium, arsenic and lead. It is made for safer smoking. The row materials for the manufacture or cigarette filter is cellulose. It is acetylated, dissolved, and spun as continuous synthetic fibers arranged into a bundle called tow. This tow is opened, plasticized, shaped, and cut to act as a filter.
Cigarette filters are specifically designed to absorb vapors and to accumulate particulate smoke components. Filters also prevent tobacco from entering a smoker's mouth and provide a mouthpiece that will not collapse as the cigarette is smoked. Filters generally have the following components: A "plug" of acetate cellulose filter tow has 95% of cigarette filters are made of cellulose acetate (a plastic), and the balance are made from papers and rayon. The cellulose acetate tow fibers are thinner than sewing thread, white, and packed tightly together to create a filter; they can look like cotton. Other materials have been tried and rejected in favor of the taste that acetate produces. Filters vary in filtration efficiency, depending on whether the cigarette is to be "light" or regular.
The following is quoted from a research paper by researchers from the New York State Department of Health, the Roswell Park Cancer Institute, and Cornell University, “viewing the white face of the cigarette filter with the naked eye and compression of the filter column with the fingers would suggest that the filter is made of a sponge-like material. However, opening the cigarette filter, by cutting it lengthwise with a razor, reveals that it consists of a fibrous mass. Spreading apart the matrix reveals some of the more than 12 000 white fibers. Microscopically, these fibers are Y shaped and contain the delustrant titanium dioxide. The fibers are made of cellulose acetate, a synthetic plastic-like substance used commonly for photographic films. A plasticiser, triacetin (glycerol triacetate), is applied to bond the fibers.”
This experiment aims to develop a product that would serve as an alternative for some expensive commercial glue. There are many people-using cigarette and after using they just toss aside a cigarette while walking not thinking that it can be recycle and used. Commercial glue is relatively expensive because the materials used in manufacturing are tissues from animals.
Statement of the Problem
Generally, this study aims to find out the acceptability of glue made from used cigarette filters and acetone. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:
- Can cigarette filters with acetone are acceptable as a source of glue?
- Is there a significant difference between the stickiness, color, odor and texture of glue made with different amount of acetone?
- Can coloring dye improved the appearance of CF Glue?
Hypothesis of the Study
- Cigarette filters with acetone are not acceptable as a source of glue.
- There is no significant difference between the stickiness, color, odor and texture of glue made with different amount of acetone.
- Coloring dye cannot improved the appearance of CF Glue.
Significance of the Study
Glue is very common used in homes, schools and offices. Many people just toss aside a cigarette filter and it can be recycled and used. Due to the expensiveness and unaffordable of some glue, many would prefer making home-made glue. Glues from cigarette filter is affordable and easy to make.
Scope and Limitations of the Study
This study is limited to produce a liquid glue for paper made from cigarette filters and acetone. Respondents of the study will rate the effectivity of this glue based on its stickiness, color, odor and texture. It has five set-ups: