Essay by 24 • May 8, 2011 • 321 Words (2 Pages) • 916 Views
From 1492 to about 1910, tobacco was commonly smoked in cigars and pipes, inhaled as snuff, and chewed. Leaf-wrapped cigarettes miniature cigars were known to the American Indians before Columbus landed; and cigarettes with paper wrappers were available at least as early as the eighteenth century. But the cigarette as it is known today was first marketed in quantity toward the end of the nineteenth century. Not until the first quarter of the twentieth century did the cigarette become the most popular way of securing an hourly nicotine dose (The consumers,1972,p1)
This research paper is inquire into how cigarettes could influence under age teenager. Under- age smoker is people who smoking under 18 years old and become addicted to it. These under age child is supposed to be at school, under parental supervision and eating candy or chocolate instead of smoking & going out till midnight without parents supervision. A problem under age smoker face is a modernization of their lifestyle or in simple is Ð''Trends' admit it or not trends is a real fact which is not too much people talking about it. The second problem is Ð''family' it is nearly impossible if in one house there's one or two Ð''fun-smoker' the other will not follow. The third problem is Addicts, people who craving nicotine or tar inside of the cigarettes will do anything to get it, even they know they are under age but not closing the chance to make cigarettes as their escape. Tobacco acts both as a stimulant and anti-depressant (tobacco,2007)
I think the use of tobacco in advertisement is extremely arbitrary. It is because they never know the audience who watch their advertisement or video or whatsoever which is caused a huge misunderstanding.
To correcting this huge misunderstanding we must change the style of advertisement so it will not make a wrong impression or wrong understanding to all ages reader.