Essay by Caroline Jackson • December 15, 2015 • Essay • 1,394 Words (6 Pages) • 1,001 Views
Caroline Jackson 11/11/15
At Home Essay #4 Classification
My High school is a failed experiment in preparing young people for the adult world. The school was built in 1902 and was designed to hold about half as many students as it currently does. By the way, nothing seems to work quite right in the school building itself. The heaters only work during the summer and the air conditioning only works in the winter. The improper use of insulation has the building either an oven or a meat locker, depending on the time of year. On the other hand, high school is also the place where the stress of growing up and the stress of fitting in join forces to destroy even the strongest among us. Most of high school is not spent learning but involves trying to find friends who aren't complete jerks, trying to hook up with people of the opposite sex unsuccessfully, combing your hair, buying cloths in the effort that someone will notice you, working out so you will not get your ass kicked everyday, trying desperately to get rid of the zits that have taken over your face, driving a car that a homeless person wouldn't even live in or riding on an over crowed big yellow school bus while choking on diesel fumes, while people you don't know ridicule you worse then your friends do. There are three main groups of people in my high school.
First, there are the varsity “R” students. These are the individuals who participate in sports. They can be characterized by their dedication, focus, intelligence, and work ethic. These athletes do not just play a sport because he or she likes it, they do it because they just can’t imagine their life without it. They live for the way they feel after they achieve their goals and they become a family with their team. These athletes are scholarly, hard working, and are training, studying, or participating in worthwhile extracurricular almost every day of the week. Some high school athletes have a competitive edge though through their sports dedication, but use that to their advantage in working extra hard to improve their accuracy and skills as much as possible. As dedicated as some of these high school students are, they do see social life outside their sports. Most of these athletes have fallback plans for the future in case they are not recruited or do not make the cut for their top college pick. Athletes are usually are overshadowed in high school by Jocks. They are probably the most hated, yet loved typical High-School clique ever. Their whole life revolves around sports, trying to seem superior, and bullying other people. Generally they have poor grades, drive a nice car as if he has earned it, hits on all the girls and gets attention because of his style, flashy white teeth and best looking hair. These are the kids in high school whose parents paid everything for. Jocks, to make a long story short, are athletes who are convinced that their athletic skill will help them exceed in life, where in the real world, they end up bagging groceries, or working at a used Car Dealership. They have no plans for the future beyond high school. Jocks are arrogant, senseless, lazy, and are generally extremely cocky and rude most of the time.
Second, there are the students who are nerds. Also know as a four-letter word with a six-figure income. The person you will one day call "boss". An individual whose IQ exceeds their weight. These are students who will most likely make a life changing invention that will drastically change the world. For example, a nerd invented the computer. Often nerds are highly intelligent but socially rejected because of their obsession with a given subject, usually computers. Despite the many views of what an actual nerd is, most come to the conclusion that nerds have to be smart. They behave awkwardly around others and usually have unstylish clothes and hair. These are students who do not conform to society's beliefs that all people should follow trends and do what their peers do. As a matter of fact, nerds often dress up. Outside of Halloween, they get together to wear costumes such a Princess Peach riding a Yoshi to attend geek inspired events. I believe that nerds live by the motto “work-hard, play-hard”. Nerds are passionate about their work and greatly enjoy their careers weather it be computing or something that they love doing every day.