Classroom Managment
Essay by 24 • June 16, 2011 • 2,485 Words (10 Pages) • 1,628 Views
Classroom management is a serious topic to consider not only as a new teacher but is a topic that should be revisited every school year. No two years will ever be the same. Classroom management is an essential part of being a teacher. While each teacher will approach classroom management from a different angle, there are some major areas that must be covered. Classroom managementÐ'--managing both student behavior and the physical environment---is an ongoing concern of all teachers. And a topic one will continue to read and
learn about.
There are many things to consider when discussing classroom management. The first part to consider is the classroom climate. To create a classroom climate that one may want there must be a few things to consider. More than creating aesthetic appeal, each piece of furniture redefines a part of the classroom space, directing attention, pupil interaction, or traffic flow (Partin 2). The first consideration is how I want my class to look and feel? Also to consider is the activities that will take place in the room. A few key questions in this area are what would the noise level be like? Should it be quiet all the time? How are the desks going to be set up? Will they be in row? Groups? Will the classroom have to be neat and organized or will disorganization be acceptable? How will student's work be displayed? How will they turn in their work? Giving student's your expectations will allow them to keep the environment productive and problem free. Teacher-centered classrooms have desks set up in rows, student-centered classroom have the desks set up in groups. Determining which way to set up a classroom can be as individual as the teacher wants. What the teachers comfort level is usually guides classroom climate. Classroom set up can also depend on the materials available to teachers. Some teachers can have desks while others may only have tables. This can hinder or accentuate a classroom climate. Arranging the desks in groups allow for group work and cooperation, it also allows for individual work when necessary. The desks can be arranged so that everyone can see the front of the room .Having the desks set up in rows is the traditional classroom set up; this is beneficial for lectures and teacher demonstrations ( I believe that when I do set up my classroom it will be in a horse shoe manner [_] that way every student is in the front row and there is opportunity for cooperation and group work. This may change if it does not work. Classroom set up is an ongoing process. I remember a teacher that I once had, every few weeks the whole classroom would be changed. It definitely kept behavior problems down by offering a changing environment. The only problem is that I knew my self as a learner and I need to be in the front row, there were times when she changed the set up and my desk would end up in the back of the class. I didn't do very well when this happened. Whole-class discussion is facilitated with a circular, semicircular, or open-ended rectangular seating arrangement. Traditional rows are probably least supportive of student-to-student interaction (Partin 3). Proper storage areas are important as well. Having commonly used items easily accessible will make lessons go by more smoothly. Less clutter in the classroom leads to less distractions. Items to consider is positively displaying students work. Having bulletin board set up in engage students as well as parents and is a confidence booster for students.
Having a set class schedule, and establishing the time of the classroom procedures minimizes wasted time and will establish the teacher as the authority figure (Glenco). Having transition activities allow students to clear their minds and prepare for the next lesson. These activities can include (but are not limited to) a free writing exercises. This could include them writing anything and everything they know about the up-coming topic, writing questions that they have about this topic, or how they could use this topic in everyday situations. The next exercise could be to have them write about a big question. This could be the teachers' objective (backward planning) for the lesson (Glenco). As students arrive there should be a warm up exercise, this is something that they can quietly sit and start to work on while others are settling down. It allows students to prepare themselves for the days activities. Getting the students attention at the beginning of class and throughout class time is also important in classroom management. Having students off task or not engaged interferes with your teaching time. Singing a song or having a certain hand signal to obtain their attention and gain control of the class is essential.
Having the ability to reach all students comes with experience. Knowing how to reach your students on all levels requires knowing how you teach and also how the students learn. Designing lessons that allow students to participate and can share their interests will allow teachers to reach students. Providing examples allows students to connect what they learn to daily life and helps solve problems that they may face (Partin 79). What you teach in not as important as how you teach. You could teach all the concepts required and not reach one student because of the way the subject matter was taught. I am a strong believer in Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. I feel that not all students learn from lecture and reading assignment. I believe that students learn in a variety of ways. Using visual aids, pictures, props, and demonstrations with the lesson maximizes student learning. Auditory, visual and also kinesthetic allows students to obtain the most out of a lesson (Partin 79). Varying your technique for teaching students can help them learn. Along with reaching all students will be a Universally Designed Lesson plan. Having an unexpected way to introduce the lesson, keeping the students guessing and interested is key. Opening with a key statement, unusually or surprising behavior, or event keeps students interested (Partin 75). Having properly prepared lesson plans for students of all ability levels will allow teachers to reach each student. Encouraging students will reach them on a positive level. Letting students know what is expected of them helps them succeed. Having a universal design for learning promises in helping improve education for all students, including those with disabilities will allow for a more varying range of student learning. UDL does not just apply in one way but it allows for a more flexible planning (CAST). Universally designed lesson plans do not just aid students with disabilities they also help main stream students.
Getting to know your students will help with managing them. Knowing what their likes and dislikes, whether it be academic or not, will help with the