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Essay by   •  November 14, 2010  •  942 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,051 Views

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Negative Effects of Cloning and Why it Should be Opposed

Around the world, different countries have different rules relating to cloning - some don't allow reproductive cloning, but do allow therapeutic cloning, while other countries allow both types. Reproductive cloning places the creation of new life in other hands than its natural occurrence. Cloning gives humans control over human fertility and therefore a possible wonderland for those in future generations. It may sound appealing right now, but it may not be the best idea when it becomes apparent.

Cloning by definition is engineering genetically identical organisms. Cloning can be classified as a form of genetic engineering including AID (Artificial Insemination Donor) and AIH (Artificial Insemination Husband) and IVF (In Vitro Fertilization). AID is the injecting of the semen of a male donor into the woman's womb and AIH is the same with the difference that the semen is of the husband. The two methods of cloning are reproductive and therapeutic. Reproductive cloning may lead to the creation of a human life, and as of right now it is considered as illegal by United States and many other nations. However, therapeutic cloning is the creation of embryos with the intent of destroying them once their purpose has been fulfilled.

In many conservative societies, where abortion is a sin, playing with embryos and cloning is unethical. These forms of artificial conception have been questioned ethically and morally by many religious leaders, as they can be seen as unnatural and an attempt to interfere with the way of nature. Cloning does not require two 'partners' in the creation; a woman can use her DNA to create her child to look exactly like her by only using her DNA instead of taking DNA from two people. Still the child may look exactly like her, but their behavior may be distinguished. Also, the person's personality depends largely upon his/her upbringing, which would be very hard to imitate in a child with the identical DNA. Therefore traits of their character may vary immensely.

Each individual has unique genetic map, which gives one their distinct identity. The combination of two people's genetic inheritance, their environment, memories, different life experiences, and the process of learning that results in the uniqueness of each individual, which makes life interesting. The embryo created does not have this unique identity; rather the genetic map has already been decided. With cloning if one identity is lost, somewhere there could be another copy of that identity. This is one point that those against cloning are often worried about. That the clones would have no soul, no mind, no feelings or emotions of their own, no say in how life will be with their destiny predetermined for them and that each individual clone would not be unique. The conservatives are also afraid that the clone will not be treated like a person, more like a worthless second copy, or a fill-in for what was there but now is lost. Anyone could be easily replaced, no one will die. We fear death and God, may be that is why we try to be a good human being, imagine if there is no fear at all. The world



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